
来源 :渔业致富指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:humeiyu2009
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1984年9月创刊的《渔业科技报》在走过了13年风风雨雨的曲折经历后终于迎来了她新生命的延续——《渔业致富指南》杂志。本着面向读者,服务基层的办报宗旨,《渔业科技报》在宣传党的方针政策,推动渔业体制改革,普及渔业科技知识,传递渔业经济信息,引导渔民脱贫致富,促进水产生产发展等方面做了大量有益的探索,取得了显著的成绩,受到各级领导及读者好评。事业 The Fisheries Science and Technology Daily, started in September 1984, finally ushered in the continuation of her new life after 13 years of twists and turns - the Guide to Enriching the Fisheries. In line with the objective of running newspapers for the readers and serving the grassroots, Fisheries Science and Technology Daily has made great efforts in propagating the party’s guidelines and policies, promoting the reform of the fishery system, popularizing fishery science and technology knowledge, passing fishery economic information, guiding fishermen out of poverty and promoting aquaculture production development Has done a lot of useful exploration, has made remarkable achievements, by all levels of leaders and readers praise. cause
AIM: To investigate the mechanism for bradykinin(BK) to stimulate intestinal secretomotor neurons and intestinal chloride secretion. METHODS: Muscle-stripped gu
人唾液腺上皮性肿瘤的形成可看作为发生了表型不同于普通基因型前体细胞的肿瘤细胞。例如:1971年Eversole 曾提出唾液腺肿瘤组织发生于未分化的储备细胞(reserve cell)或干
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶圆盘电泳分析血吸虫可溶性虫卵抗原(SEA)五种提取液:H-SEA、U-SEA、H-SEA_1、U-C-SEA_1、JEU.其显示的电泳区带分别为8、6、1、1、1条。其中 H-SEA_1显有1条
蛋白C的发现与生物学功能 1960年Mammen等发现,用凝血酶处理依赖维生素K的血浆蛋白浓缩物时,产生了抗凝剂活性,他们称之为“自凝血酶原Ⅱ-A”.1967年Marciniak等纯化了自凝
AIM: To investigate the intestinal functions of the NKCC1 Na~+-K~+-2Cl cotransporter(SLC12a2 gene), differential m RNA expression changes in NKCC1-null intestin
AIM: To present a retrospective analysis of clinical and endoscopic features of 4 cases of immunocompetent hosts with intestinal histoplasmosis(IH).METHODS: Fou