Structural Characters and Isolated Stability of Phosphorus Polyanions

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:utpaxiao
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The optimized geometries at the RHF/6-311++G** level, the relatively stable energy at the MPW1PW91/6-311++G** level and the structural characters of anions have been acquired, indicating the stability is related to the chemical bonding of μ2?P atoms and the distri- bution of negative charges. The configurations of cage units P8 4- and P9 5- are stable due to the less torsion, but their ES values are relatively higher than that of P7 3- with more μ2?P atoms and the isolated stability is lower than that of P7 . They potentially play an important role as intermediate 3- in chemical reaction of producing complicated polyphosphides. Based on the related electronic properties, a stable polyanion must have low valence electron concentration, no (μ2?P)?(μ2?P) bond and a little dispersive charge. The earmark IR frequencies of cage units have been assigned to the vibration models in the end. The optimized geometries at the RHF / 6-311 ++ G ** level, the relatively stable energy at the MPW1PW91 / 6-311 ++ G ** level and the structural characters of anions have been acquired, indicating the stability is related to the chemical bonding of μ2 · P atoms and the distri- bution of negative charges. The configurations of cage units P8 4- and P9 5- are stable due to the less torsion, but their ES values ​​are relatively higher than that of P7 3- With more than 2? P atoms and the isolated stability is lower than that of P7. They potentially play an important role as intermediate 3- in chemical reaction of producing complicated polyphosphides. Based on the related electronic properties, a stable polyanion must have low valence electron The earmark IR frequencies of cage units have been assigned to the vibration models in the end.
科学研究需要想象能力和思辩技巧,需要发散思维,即联想能力;要能从一个点上的问题伸展为一条线上的,进而辐射为一个面上的问题。 在对红壤的发生学进行研究时,我的初始动机
我們大脑里面有一种血清素,有时候因为血清素比较少,就会有强迫性行为,或者一些事情就会萦绕在心头,一直不去。  有的人血清素比较少,我们可能管他叫小心眼,或是用别的形容词,就是说有了烦恼,他就一直挂在那边,一直都去不了。有的人我们管他叫神经大条,他很可能血清素比较高,然后很快就能把事情忘了。  那么血清素少一定不好吗?也不见得。很多艺术家都是快乐和烦恼都挂在嘴边,别人没有那么在意的事情,他会非常在意
即使发动机工作正常,随着时间的增长,装在二冲程或四冲程车变速箱与曲轴箱中的润滑油也会逐渐氧化变质,如油品粘度升高,酸值降低,不溶物增多等。 如摩托车发动机工作不正常,