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台风来了,天气转凉了。《太阳》来了,趁着暑期档结束的时候。这两件事共同昭示着一个事实:好莱坞的秋季档跟着暑期档的尾巴来了。好莱坞电影向来势利,懂得审时度势。暑期档之所以充斥着怪物、魔法、变形等等毫无营养的快餐元素,是因为制片方深谙炎炎夏日什么人最爱去电影院。酷暑难耐,父母带着孩子,男生带着女友,捧着爆米花和可乐,兴高采烈地走进凉爽的影院,轻松打发两个小时,如果愿意,还有连放数场的午夜场等着你。影院的意义早已大于影片本身,观众只图一笑,还有免费的空调享受,谈起恋爱来也不至于太昂贵,真是大人孩子都开心。所以对于美国,暑期档从来没有任何营养可言,任何深刻严肃的题材放在这个时候,都显得有些不近人情......可到了秋季,好莱坞宣传影片的口味顿时大变。在刚刚过去的威尼斯电影节上,好莱坞势力已经将这个以艺术自居的欧洲本土电影节侵蚀得不成样子,从参赛片的数量和红地毯上的星光来看,就像第二个奥斯卡。本刊上一期已经大篇幅介绍了参赛的好莱坞电影,信手拈来一部都是重中之重,名导和明星接踵而来。好莱坞还毫不客气地抢下威尼斯影帝和影后两个大奖。这样看来,今年好莱坞秋季档的电影更显得野心勃勃,因为等待这些影片的,是他们更为重视的无上大奖——奥斯卡。反战与西部题材扎堆,而这些偏偏都是历届奥斯卡的夺冠热门。前面所说的审时度势,就是这个意思。 Typhoon came, the weather turned cold. “The Sun” came, taking advantage of the summer when the file ends. Together, these two things make the fact that the fall of Hollywood follows the summer's tail. Hollywood films have always been snobbish, know how to assess the situation. Summer files are full of monsters, magic, deformation, etc. There is no nutritious fast food elements, because the producer understands the hot summer day, what people love to go to the cinema. Heat summer, parents with children, boys with his girlfriend, holding popcorn and cola, happily into the cool theater, easily fired for two hours, if you like, there are even a few midnight set waiting for you. The meaning of the theater has long been greater than the film itself, the audience only a smile, as well as free air conditioning to enjoy, talk about love is not too expensive, really adults and children are happy. So for the United States, the summer has never had any nutrition at all, any serious topic at this time, it seems a bit unnatural ... ... To the fall, the taste of Hollywood promotional film suddenly changed. At the just-concluded Venice Film Festival, the Hollywood forces have eclipsed the art-home-bound European local film festival like the second Oscars, based on the number of entries and the stars on the red carpet. This issue of a period has been a big introduction Hollywood films participating, come in handy are a top priority, famous and stars come one after another. Hollywood also bluntly grabbed the Venice Film Festival and the film awards two awards. In this sense, the movie for the fall of Hollywood is even more ambitious this year, as the Oscars, the more supreme prize they value, are awaiting them. Anti-war and western get together, and these are the previous Oscars win all previous favorites. In front of the situation when the situation is the meaning.
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