变则可久 通则不乏——本刊出版150期暨改版之后众人谈

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为适应我市档案事业发展的需要,增强期刊市场的竞争力,提高办刊质量,今年本刊改按国际开本的标准出版。我们原计划出版5期之后,正值出版第150期之际,召开一次改版评刊座谈会,“面对面”地听取各方意见。然而,一场突如其来的非典疫情打乱了原定方案,杂志社决定变“座谈”为“笔谈”。约请函发出后,引起业内专家学者的广泛关注,纷纷发表真知灼见。一本档案期刊出版150期,也许微不足道;如今一本杂志改成国际开本,也许不足为奇。但作为办刊人,回首往事,酸甜苦辣,别有一番滋味在心头:忘不了为一篇文章字斟句酌,忘不了为一标题冥思苦想,忘不了为一插图“挑三拣四”,忘不了每一期“分娩”的阵痛,忘不了读者、作者和我们风雨同舟的铿锵历程。古人云:“行百里者半九十”。走一百里路,九十里只能算一半的路程,因为剩下来的路会越来越难走。对来自各方面的点评意见,鼓励也好,建议也罢,我们都将认真研究,加以改进,把今后的“路程”走好。 In order to meet the needs of the development of archives in our city, enhance the competitiveness of the periodical market and improve the quality of the journal, this year’s publication has been published according to the international format. After we planned to publish the first five issues, at the time of publishing the first 150 issues, we held a forum for revising and revising the magazine, and listened to the opinions of all parties “face to face”. However, a sudden outbreak of atypical pneumonia disrupted the original program, the magazine decided to change the “discussion” as “writing.” After the invitation was sent out, it has aroused widespread concern of experts and scholars in the industry and published many insights. It may not be surprising that an archival periodical was published for 150 issues, perhaps insignificant; now it is time to turn a magazine into an international one. However, as a journalist, look back and forth, ups and downs, do not have some taste in my heart: forget an article deliberately forget, forget a title for thought, never forget an illustration of “pick and choose four”, can not forget each issue of “childbirth ”The pain, forget the reader, author and we clamor of the sonorous process. The ancients said: “Half a hundred miles in the line ninety.” A hundred miles away, ninety miles can only count half the distance, because the remaining roads will be more difficult to walk. Opinions from all quarters, encouraging or suggestions, we will seriously study, improve, and take the “distance” in the future.
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