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总决赛第七战,湖人凭借着天时地利人和,以及全队团结一致的拼搏精神,最终以83比79战胜了凯尔特人队,夺得队史上第16次总冠军。然而,湖人队此次的夺冠之路非但不是一帆风顺,反而是一波三折。赛季伊始,湖人的表现曾令人感到惊艳,自去年11月中旬开始打出一波11连胜,这是自奥尼尔在2004年离开洛杉矶后,湖人所取得的最长连胜。不过,在举世瞩目的圣诞大战上负于骑士之后,湖人的状态开始磕磕绊绊,加上球队不断受到伤病影响,菲尔·杰克逊的球队证明了这个联盟连续七年都没有一支球队能够成功卫冕是很有道理的。常规赛结束后,湖人队仅取得57胜25负的战绩,这个成绩在全联盟排在骑士和魔术之后,好在是在西部,洛杉矶人仍然一技独秀,这使得湖人可以在季后赛对阵任一西部球队时都拥有主场优势。但在首轮对阵雷霆以及西部决赛对垒太阳,湖人都遇到了些许麻烦,总决赛碰到死敌凯尔特人时,甚至是对方率先拿到赛点……这一年,湖人经历了太多,有赞誉也有批评,但无论如何,他们还是力压群雄,再一次站在了联盟的最顶端! Finals seventh war, the Lakers by virtue of time and place, and team unity and fighting spirit, the final 83 to 79 victory over the Celtics, won the team’s history 16th championship. However, the Lakers won the championship of the road not only plain sailing, but the twists and turns. At the start of the season, the Lakers had been astonishing, starting a series of 11-game winning streak since mid-November of last year, the longest winning streak the Lakers have won since O’Neal left Los Angeles in 2004. However, the Lakers state began to stumbling after the world-renowned Christmas wars, and the team continued to be affected by the injury, Phil Jackson’s team proved that the league has not a team for seven consecutive years It is very reasonable to defend successfully. After the regular season, the Lakers made only 57-25 record, the result in the league after the Cavaliers and Magic, but fortunately in the west, Los Angeles still a man of skill, which makes the Lakers in the playoffs Have the home advantage against any Western team. However, in the first round against the Thunder and the Western Conference finals against the sun, the Lakers have encountered a little bit of trouble, the Finals encounter rivals Celtic, and even the other first to get the match point ... ... This year, the Lakers have gone through too much, There are praise and criticism, but in any case, they still beat the pack, once again stood at the top of the league!
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