来源 :青岛海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hughy
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Two kinds of the empirical orthogonal function analysis method for decomposing the mean-field are developed and a comparison is made between them. It is proved that the mean-field can be decomposed using eigenvectors obtained from anomaly-field decomposition, and that more information can be obtained. An example of sea bottom mean temperature analysis shows its remarhabk effect in depicting the distribution features of variousfactors, such as cold water mass, currents and radiation.A few problems concerning the efficiency of the method are discussedand two matrices of relationship which represent the space-time characteristics of the field are derived. The formulae of space-time transformation are obtained conveniently. Two kinds of the empirical orthogonal function analysis method for decomposing the mean-field are developed and a comparison is made between them. It is proved that the mean-field can be decomposed using eigenvectors obtained from anomaly-field decomposition, and that more information can be obtained. An example of sea bottom mean temperature analysis shows its remarhabk effect in depicting the distribution features of variousfactors, such as cold water mass, currents and radiation. A few problems concerning the efficiency of the method are discussedand two matrices of relationship which representations the space-time characteristics of the field are derived. The formula of space-time transformation are obtained conveniently.
利用两层特殊的、可横向追索的斑脱岩层可将西内盆地(Western Interior Basin)上白垩统格林霍恩(Greenhorn)韵律层的海相沉积分成三个等时段。为调查该盆地的古海洋学条件,对
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化学教师的课堂教学行为对学生的学习兴趣有较大的影响,其中幽默风趣的教学语言、现象多变的演示实验以及和生活贴近的情境创设是学生比较认可和喜欢的行为。虽然这些可以促进学生对化学的学习兴趣,但是在改进教师化学教学行为策略,并将策略应用到具体的教学实践当中,我们还应该从以下几方面进行:  直观行为:利用化学实验,激发学生的直接兴趣;从调查结果显示,演示实验对于学生有着独特的魅力,是化学教学行为中最为容易激
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随着教育的不断快速发展,在由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转变的基础上,本文总结了美育的特点及它在素质教育中的地位,进而讨论了美育的各种积极作用。  “应试教育”向“素质教育”转变:未来的21世纪,对于基础教育来讲,紧迫的任务是由“应试教育”转向素质教育。全面提高学生素质,首先,应当更新教育观念。长期以来,学校教育中不同程度地存在德育上的逆反、智育上的厌学、体育上的懒惰、美育上的肤浅等消极状况,反映了
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