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酃某,女,20岁,农民。1974年7月20日会诊。自诉怀孕5个月以来,间作气促,怔忡,神疲乏力,至妊娠8个月时,上症明显加重,持续发作,遂在当地医院治疗,效果不显。近半月气促、怔忡益甚,且周身汗出,不能平卧,由乡卫生院转来县医院妇产科住院治疗,诊断为“晚妊临产并心衰”。给常规西药抗心衰治疗,症无明显改善,特邀中医会诊。查:患者半坐卧位,形体瘦弱,精神疲惫,少气懒言,面色潮红,唇红而干,大汗淋漓,汗出而粘,四肢欠温,舌淡红、苔薄白而干,脉细数(每分钟168次)。据症分析,辩为气阴两亏,拟益气固脱,敛阴和阳法。 A certain woman, female, 20 years old, farmer. July 20, 1974 consultation. Since the prosecution began 5 months pregnant, the intercourse has been shortness of breath, paralyzed, and fatigued. At 8 months of pregnancy, the symptoms have been aggravated, and the episodes have continued to occur. The treatment at the local hospital has not been effective. In the last half month, she was short of breath and was benefited. She sweated out of her body and could not lie flat. She was transferred from the township hospital to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the county hospital for treatment. Her diagnosis was “late pregnancy and heart failure”. To routine Western medicine anti-heart failure treatment, the disease did not significantly improve, invited Chinese medicine consultation. Check: The patient is semi-recumbent, physically weak, mentally exhausted, lazy, flushed, red and dry, sweating, sweaty and sticky, with low limbs, pale tongue, and thin white coating. Pulse breakdown (168 times per minute). According to the disease analysis, it is argued that there is a loss of both qi and yin;
根据《中华人民共和国计量法》,我局已对下列企业申报的计量器具新产品样品进行样机试验,考核合格,特此公告。单位名称:上海沪光电表     厂负责人:黄世云地址:上海密云路290号  
通过实验观察,说明益气活血复方“益心液”能降低大白鼠冠脉结扎后梗塞区的心肌耗氧量,对缺血心肌有一定保护作用。 Through experimental observation, it was shown that
题作者期刊名称卷期页 基础医学L谷氨酸兴奋组核对痛闭和针刺镇痛的影响刺激杏仁基底外侧核对外侧组核神经元单位放电的影响缀核、弓状核对大鼠痛阂和针刺镇痛的影响电刺激内
20 0 0年第 8号 (总第 2 0号 )2 0 0 0年 8月 1 4日序号国家标准编号国家标准名称代替标准号批准日期实施日期1GB 1 91 - 2 0 0 0 包装储运图示标志Packaging -Pictorialmarkingforhandlingofgoods GB 1 91 - 1 990 2 0 0 0 -
ObjectiveTodeterminewhethertheantiatherogenicefectofLarginineisduetoaninhibitionofvascularceladhesionmolecule1(VCAM1)expre... ObjectiveTodeterminewhethertheantiatherogeniceofofLarginineisduetoaninhibitionofvascularceladhesionmolecule 1 (VCAM 1) expre
瓦楞纸箱标准GB6 5 43— 86已经实施十多年了 ,这十多年来 ,包装行业的发展突飞猛进。作为一个指导生产规范 ,长期不修改势必不适应发展的需要 ,甚至会起到阻碍作用。笔者通过
A rapid method for the determination of cy-clopentyl derivative of rifampicin, DL 473, wasreported. High performance liquid chromatographModel 344 (Beckman, US