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如果你正准备创业,需要华尔街投资,那就讲一个华尔街能听懂的创业故事,让它投资;如果你正准备上市,而且是去美国,那就找一个华尔街能看懂的盈利模式,然后上市;如果你已创业成功,或者已经上市,那就诀别华尔街吧,别让它牵着你的鼻子,否则你会迷失方向!过去的几年,很多中国互联网企业,或因为受到华尔街资本的控制,或由于没有找到盈利模式,而又憧憬或者已经在华尔街上市,所以对华尔街言听计从,但真心并没有得到好的回报。或错失良机,或被差点停牌,或消亡,或衰落。早在百度还没诞生的时候,张朝阳就已经推出了自己的搜索品牌——搜狐,但7年后,统领中国搜索市场的老大却是百度,为什么?因为华尔街说在中国做搜索没用,所以张朝阳放弃了搜索,从而错失了良机。8848,一个中国电子商务领域里程碑式的企业,有着一个里程碑式的领导人,却在几年后宣告消亡,原因在于以IDG为首的投资方为了盈利错误地指挥8848。卓越,曾经是中国B2C领域的领军企业,与当当齐名,但在被亚马逊收购后的1年里并没有打出太多组合拳,发展归于平淡,已经被当当渐渐甩在了身后。而一些没有盲目听从华尔街的企业却发展起来,比如腾讯,比如阿里巴巴,后者更是在跟雅虎合作后没有给雅虎任何实际指挥运作的机会。国内的门户网站也在摆脱华尔街潜意识的控制后找到了盈利模式,独创了移动增值服务模式。从2004年开始,门户网站的张朝阳、丁磊便在很多公开场合劝告中国的企业家们不要轻易听信华尔街所言。到了2005年,他们的这种观点得到了马云和马化腾的支持。马云认为世界互联网前十年在美国,而今后的十年将转移到亚洲,转移到中国,华尔街不再是神。而马化腾认为华尔街分析师根本就不懂中国市场,所以腾讯选择在香港而不是纳斯达克上市。2005年第五届西湖论剑主题被确定为“天下”,这是否在暗示:未来互联网的天空属于中国,而不再属于华尔街?中国互联网告别华尔街的时代到了? If you’re starting a business and investing on Wall Street, talk about a startup story that Wall Street understands and invest in. If you’re getting ready for the market and going to the United States, find a profit model that Wall Street can understand and then Going Public; If You Have Enterprised, or Already Listed, Say Goodbye to Wall Street, Do not Let It Take Your Nose, Or You Will Be Lost! Many Chinese Internet companies over the past few years, or because of Wall Street’s control , Or did not find a profit model, but looking forward to or already listed on Wall Street, so on Wall Street speech and counting, but really did not get a good return. Or missed a good opportunity, or was almost suspended trading, or die, or decline. As early as when Baidu was not born, Zhang Chaoyang had already launched his own search brand - Sohu, but 7 years later, the boss who led the Chinese search market was Baidu. Why? Because Wall Street said it was useless to search in China, so Charles Zhang gave up the search, which missed the opportunity. 8848, a landmark Chinese e-commerce company with a landmark leader, declared its demise in a few years because IDG-led investors mistakenly directed the 8848 for profit. Excellent, once the leader in China B2C field, and Dangdang par, but in the year after the acquisition of Amazon did not play too many combination punches, the development attributed the dull, has been gradually left behind. Some companies that have not blindly listened to Wall Street but developed, such as Tencent, such as Alibaba, the latter is even Yahoo after the cooperation did not give any actual command of the operation of Yahoo. Domestic portals are also out of Wall Street subconscious control to find a profit model, the original mobile value-added service model. Since 2004, Zhang Chaoyang and Ding Lei of the portal have advised Chinese entrepreneurs in many public occasions not to easily listen to what Wall Street said. By 2005, their view was supported by Jack Ma and Ma Huateng. Ma believes that the world’s Internet in the first decade in the United States, and the next ten years will be transferred to Asia, moved to China, Wall Street is no longer God. Mr. Ma believes that Wall Street analysts simply do not understand the Chinese market, so Tencent chose to list in Hong Kong instead of NASDAQ. The theme of the Fifth West Lake Sword in 2005 was identified as “the world”. Does this mean that in the future, the sky of the Internet belongs to China and no longer belongs to Wall Street? The time of China’s Internet farewell to Wall Street has arrived?
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摘要:通过探讨“创建学习型组织、争做知识型职工”活动,结合大唐保定热电厂工作实际,具体分析指出其是带动班组建设的重要保证、有力保证及重要手段。  关键词:学习型组织;知识型职工;班组建设  作者简介:赵红梅(1968-),女,河北保定人,大唐保定热电厂工会干事,政工师。(河北 保定 071051)  中图分类号:F273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0079(2014)03-0233-02
1.Telnet协议简介 Telnet协议的目的是提供一种通用的、八比特位定向通信手段,其基本功能是通过网络提供远程登录或虚拟终端能力。Telnet协议可以用来进行终端-终端的通信(
文中针对EPr/TN网在可达性分析时出现的冗余并发后继现象,从产生原因入手,给出一种解决算法.并由此深入研究这种扩展Petri网固有的不完备性,最后提出了改进方法. Aiming at the redundant co