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近年来,在省委、省政府的领导和重视下,各地区、各部门因地制宜、因企施策,积极探索多种形式放开搞活国有小型工业企业。全省有100家左右国有小型工业企业采取股份合作制、有限责任公司、兼并转让、破产重组、委托运营、承包和租赁经营等形式改组、改制和经营,其中涉及产权改革重组的有70多家,促进了企业经营机制的转换、管理的加强和效益的提高。我省国有小型工业企业改革取得一定进展,但与一些地区比还有较大差距。要创建特区经济体制的新优势,必须进一步解放思想,更加扎实地工作,力争在2000年以前把我省国有小型工业企业基本放开搞活。首先,要加深对放开搞活国有小型工业企业的认识。党的十五大报告强调“要着眼于搞好整个国有经济,抓好大的,放活小的, In recent years, under the leadership and attention of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, various regions and departments have been adapting to local conditions and adopting policies to actively explore ways to liberalize and invigorate state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises. There are about 100 state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises in the province adopting the form of joint-stock cooperative system, limited-liability company, merger transfer, bankruptcy reorganization, entrusted operation, contracting and leasing operations, etc. The restructuring, restructuring, and operation are carried out, of which more than 70 involve the reform and reform of property rights. It has promoted the transformation of business management mechanisms, strengthened management, and improved efficiency. Some progress has been made in the reform of state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises in our province, but there is still a large gap from some regions. To create new advantages in the economic system of the special zone, it is necessary to further emancipate the mind and work more solidly, striving to basically liberalize the state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises in our province by the year 2000. First, we must deepen our understanding of letting go and invigorate state-owned small-scale industrial enterprises. The report of the 15th National Party Congress emphasized that ”we must focus on doing a good job of the entire state-owned economy, do a good job, and let small ones live."
1 多种经营12年来成绩显著我厂多种经营有集体人员7名,全民支集人员12名。1985年创业,经2年徘徊,从1987年开始,每年以18.5万元利润的速度递增,到1993年,总产值已达到1500多