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(一九五三年五月二十九日政务院第一百八十次政务会议通过)(一九五三年七月三十一日公布)高等学校和中等技术学校的生产实习是使学生的理论知识密切联系实际并使学用一致的重要方法之一。两年来,一部分高等学校和中等技术学校的学生已实行了生产实习,并取得了一定的经验和成绩,对提高教学水平起了积极的作用。但还有不少学校和接受实习的机关与企业的负责人员,对生产实习的重要性认识不足,对学生的生产实习重视不够,以致有些学校员生事先未能认真做好必要的准备工作,实习的目标不明确,实习的计划不周密,派去领导实习的人员不得力,因而使生立实习收效不大;也有些接受生产实习的机关和企业未能认识到只要妥善地组织实习,不仅不妨碍自已完成生产与工作任务,而且有助于生产和工作任务的完成,因而未能按照国家培养建设人才的需要给予实习员生以 (Adopted by the 180th Administrative Council of the State Council on May 29, 1953) (Issued on July 31, 1953) Production internship in colleges and secondary technical schools is to enable students Theoretical knowledge is one of the important ways to get in touch with reality and make it consistent. In the past two years, a part of students in colleges and technical secondary schools have taken productive internships and have gained some experience and achievements, which have played a positive role in raising the teaching level. However, there are still many schools and responsible personnel of internship agencies and enterprises who lack understanding of the importance of internship in practice and do not pay enough attention to students’ internship in production so that some school staff members fail to conscientiously do the necessary preparatory work in advance, Internship objectives are not clear, internship program is not careful, sent to internship personnel are not effective, so that the establishment of internship with little success; also accept some production internship agencies and enterprises failed to recognize that as long as proper organization of internships, not only Not hinder their own production and work to complete the task, but also contribute to the completion of the production and work tasks, and therefore failed to train the country in accordance with the needs of trainees to give intern
汽车是人类追求速度的产物,而每个男人对于机械与速度都有着天生的执着与痴迷。BMW X3品质一流、用途广泛,将舒适性与功能性、驾驶乐趣与高效率、耐久性和典雅设计完美地结合
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 刘巨德素描艺术 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Liu Jude sket
上学要考试、工作要考核、开车要考本儿,这都是大家经历过并且记忆深刻的事情,但这吃饭还得考手艺大家还没遇到过吧?北京一家蛋糕店就推出了捏小兔子享折扣的活动。 Go to s