Research on and Design of Mechanical System with Optimal Cutting Movement Trajectory of Energy-Savi

来源 :厦门大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangpeng532
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The technique of cutting slabstone with stone-sawi ng machine is analyzed completely. A new kind of cutting movement trajectory is gi ven whose actual cutting efficiency is near to 100%. It can reduce the energy w earing greatly, and the surface quality of the product is improved to the utmost extent. The design mechanism of the optimal cutting movement trajectory system structure is analyzed incisively. At the same time, the principle of the complex movement of horizontal movement and swing is researched. The optimal design scheme of th e cutting movement trajectory system structure is set up. The choice method to g et the superior value of the movement system structure is found. The mathematics function formula is established which exhibits the relationship between the par ameter of the complex movement structure and that of the system movement structu re. By the formula, the precision value of the offset can be figured out. The r ule is adapted to different types of energy-saving stone-sawing machines. The complex movement structure of horizontal movement and swing is designed to f ulfill the cutting movement. It can make the saw frame move up with the hanging pod deviating from the vertical direction. At the same time, the saw frame have a down-movement. Then the sum of the two movements is near to zero, and the saw blade and the stone can keep in touch during the whole horizontal cutting. The result is that the actual cutting efficiency is 100%. Also, when the hanging pod moves to the limited position, the saw frame can keep the original inertia, and continue to swing up. It makes the back-cutting have high energy-storing. The optimal design of the eccentricity balance wheel is done. The mathematics fo rmula for expressing the movement system structure is deduced. The calculation m ethod and formula is set up which is used to get the value of important componen ts such as offset. The choice method and formula of elasticity distortion coeffi cient is set up when the saw frame moves smoothly. It is concluded that the offs et is the key dimension to actualize the optimal cutting movement trajectory. The resolving of the technical problems discussed above offers a theoretic and technical basis for optimal design of energy-saving stone-sawing machines. The technique of cutting slabstone with stone-sawi ng machine is analyzed completely. A new kind of cutting movement trajectory is gi ven whose actual cutting efficiency is near to 100%. It can reduce the energy w earing greatly, and the surface quality of the The design mechanism of the optimal cutting movement trajectory system structure is analyzed incisively. At the same time, the principle of the complex movement of horizontal movement and swing is researched. The optimal design scheme of th e cutting The choice method to g et the superior value of the movement system structure is found. The mathematics function formula established established exhibits the relationship between the par ameter of the complex movement structure and that of the system movement structu re. By the formula, the precision value of the offset can be figured out. The r ule is adapted to different types of energy-s The complex movement structure of horizontal movement and swing is designed to f ulfill the cutting movement. It can make the saw frame move up with the hanging pod deviating from the vertical direction. At the same time, the saw frame Then the sum of the two movements is near to zero, and the saw blade and the stone can keep in touch during the whole horizontal cutting. The result is that the actual cutting efficiency is 100%. Also when the hanging pod moves to the limited position, the saw frame can keep the original inertia, and continue to swing up. It makes the back-cutting have high energy-storing. The optimal design of the eccentricity balance wheel is done. The mathematics fo rmula for expressing the movement system structure is deduced. The calculation m ethod and formula is set up which is used to get the value of important componen ts such as offset. The choice method and formula of elasticity distortion coeffi cient is set up when the saws moves smoothly. It is that that offs et is the key dimension to actualize the optimal cutting movement trajectory. The resolving of the technical problems discussing above offers a theoretic and technical basis for optimal design of energy- saving stone-sawing machines.
目的 :总结紧邻下腔静脉肝癌的外科治疗经验。方法 :腹内预置下腔静脉阻断带 ,先在间歇性入肝血流阻断下用彭氏多功能手术解剖器 ( PMOD)行刮吸法断肝术切除肿瘤 ;当明确肿瘤
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