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各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及副省级市工商行政管理局:去年以来,各级工商行政管理机关尽职尽责,基本管住了粮食收购市场,为推动进一步深化粮食流通体制改革作出了努力,受到了国务院领导的肯定。近日,根据国务院在石家庄召开的七省粮食工作座谈会精神和国务院领导的指示,国务院下发了《关于进一步完善粮食流通体制改革政策措施的补充通知》(国发[1999]20号,以下简称《通知》)。各级工商行政管理机关要认真贯彻《通知》精神, Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan and the sub-provincial cities Administration for Industry and Commerce: Since last year, the industrial and commercial administrative organs at all levels have dutifully implemented their duties and have basically managed to live the grain purchasing market and made efforts to further deepen the reform of the grain circulation system , Affirmed by the leadership of the State Council. Recently, the State Council issued the Supplementary Circular on Further Improving the Policies and Measures for the Reform of the Circulation System of Grain (Guo Fa [1999] No. 20), following the spirit of the State Council’s Symposium on Grain Work in the Seven Provinces and the instructions of the State Council led by the State Council in recent days “Notice”). AICs at all levels must conscientiously implement the spirit of the “Circular”
该器由湖南省道县科华技术信息部新产品开发组研制成功。它具有重量轻、携带便、操作 This device is developed by Hunan Daoxian Kehua New Product Development Team of
本文用 PAP 法和流式细胞仪对32例乳腺浸润性导管癌激素受体、DNA 进行测定,并将其结果配对研究。结果发现 ER 阳性21例(65.6%),PR 阳性20例(62.4%),二倍体9例(28.1%),异倍体
分析144例原发性纵隔肿瘤病理类型及好发部位,认为症状的有无对其良、恶性判断有一定意义。并对几种特殊类型肿瘤外科治疗作了讨论。 The pathological types and predilect
26例晚期食管癌采用电化疗治疗的总有效率为84.6%。改善进食困难,提高生活质量。 The total effective rate of 26 cases of advanced esophageal cancer treated with elec