Research on the AOD molten iron manufacture of ferritic stainless steel

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zly13631743
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Based on the existing technology and equipment for stainless steel production,the smelting process of ferritic stainless steel in the argon-oxygen decarburization(AOD)furnace using blast furnace(BF)molten iron(after dephosphorization)and ferrochrome alloy is studied and discussed.In the new process,phosphorus and other harmful elements are reduced to a lower level(P≤0.020%)when smelting ferritic stainless steel.With this process,both production flexibility and efficiency are enhanced.As no electric furnace is used in the smelting,the production cost is lowered with a great deal of electric power saved,while the total yield of chromium is increased. Based on the existing technology and equipment for stainless steel production, the smelting process of ferritic stainless steel in the argon-oxygen decarburization (AOD) furnace using blast furnace (BF) molten iron (after dephosphorization) and ferrochrome alloy is studied and discussed. the new process, phosphorus and other harmful elements are reduced to a lower level (P ≦ 0.020%) when smelting ferritic stainless steel. This process, both production flexibility and efficiency are enhanced. As no electric furnace is used in the smelting, the production cost is lowered with a great deal of electric power saved, while the total yield of chromium is increased.
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