Therapeutic potential and pharmacological activities of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC.

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianyu128
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The rhizome of Atractylodes Iancen(A.lancea)(Thunb.) DC.(AL)is extensively used in Chinese,Thai,and Japanese traditional medicines as crude extracts/decoctions or a component in various herbal formulations.Various pharmacological activities of Al.and its major constituents have been demonstrated in ritro.ex ciro.and in animal models.Results from the toxicity studies in animal models suggest safety profile of AL,and its active constituents.Despite extensive use with positive impression in many diseases,there has not been a clinical study that can conclusively support its efficacy and safely profile in human.This review comprehensively summarizes current information on the pharmacological activities of AL and their active constituents including anticancer,anti-inflammatory,antimicrobial and antipyretic activities,as well as activities on central nervous,cardiovascular,and gastrointestinal systems. The rhizome of Atractylodes Iancen (A.lancea) (Thunb.) DC. (AL) is extensively used in Chinese, Thai, and Japanese traditional medicines as crude extracts / decoctions or a component in various herbal formulations. Variety pharmacological activities of Al. and its major constitue have have demonstrated in ritro.ex ciro.and in animal models. Results from the toxicity studies in animal models suggest safety profile of AL, and its active constituents. Despite extensive use with positive impression in many diseases, there has not has a clinical study that can conclusively support its efficacy and safely profile in human. This review comprehensively summarizes current information on the pharmacological activities of AL and their active constituents including anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic activities, as well as activities on central nervous, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems.
Z: 老师。据史料记录的推算。今年正是明代郑和下西洋六百周年的纪念。有专家学者评论说,郑和开辟的海外贸易通道,实质上就是一条“海上瓷路”。B: 我们知道,占代中国连接东
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