Monitoring the hydrolyzation of aspirin during the dissolution testing for aspirin delayed-release t

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l_zhanghk
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the hydrolyzation of aspirin during the process of dissolution testing for aspirin delayed-release tablets.Hydrolysis product of salicylic acid can result in adverse effects and affect the determination of dissolution rate assaying.In this study,the technique of differential spectra was employed,which made it possible to monitor the dissolution testing in situ.The results showed that the hydrolyzation of aspirin made the percentage of salicylic acid exceed the limit of free salicylic acid(4.0),and the hydrolyzation may affect the quality detection of aspirin delayed-release tablets. The purpose of this study was to investigate the hydrolyzation of aspirin during the process of dissolution testing for aspirin delayed-release tablets. Hydrolyzed product of salicylic acid can result in adverse effects and affect the determination of dissolution rate assaying. In this study, the technique of differential spectra was employed, which made it possible to monitor the dissolution testing in situ. The results showed that the hydrolyzation of aspirin made the percentage of salicylic acid exceed the limit of free salicylic acid (4.0), and the hydrolyzation may affect the quality detection of aspirin delayed-release tablets.
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