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江苏画家徐培晨近年迅速崛起于中国画坛,受到画界内外的关注。以功力深厚、技法全面、能诗善书、画风劲健、特擅画猿猴而为画界同行所称道。我过去只闻其名,年前有幸在北京相遇,偶过南京时切磋数日见其较多作品,对他的艺术追求和成长道路方知一二,其中颇有启人思考处。初见徐培晨时印象亦平平,五短身材,面微黑,布衣一袭毫不考究,长发长髯略显老相却令他有飘然超脱风度。徐培晨性格朴厚,讷讷不善言,身居石头城六朝繁华之地,仍保持其养拙素朴之本色,倾力于艺术,确乎难得。徐培晨1951年生于江苏沛县农家,自幼喜书画,少年时随乡贤燕宇先生受中国画启蒙。1974年入南京师范学院美术系学习.受教于杨建候、谭勇诸名师,毕业后留校任教。“文革”后 Xu Peichen, a painter in Jiangsu, has rapidly emerged in the traditional Chinese painting scene in recent years and has drawn the attention both inside and outside the painting circles. Profound skill, comprehensive skills, poetry can be good book, style and strong health, especially good at painting ape and comrades commented Road. In the past I only heard the name. I was fortunate enough to meet in Beijing a few years ago. When I was in Nanjing, I frequently met more of her works and learned about his art pursuit and growth. Early impression of Xu Peizhen impression is also mediocre, five short stature, black face, commoner dressed not elegant, long hair long 髯 slightly older but made him drift apart from grace. Xu Pei-chen’s character Pu Hou, who is not good at saying that he lives in the prosperous land of Stone Town in the Six Dynasties, still maintains its essence of simplicity and simplicity. Born in Peixian, Jiangsu Province in 1951, Xu Pei-chen used to calligraphy and painting in his youth. He was enlightened with Chinese painting in his youth. In 1974, he studied in the art department of Nanjing Normal University, and taught at Yang Jian Hou and Tan Yong, and stayed in school after graduation. “Cultural Revolution ” after
雷中峋中国美术家协会会员,新疆人民政府文史馆馆员,新疆美协中国画艺委会委员,新疆美术理论研究会理事,专业画家。 Lei Zhongli Chinese Artists Association, Xinjiang Hi
一个拖把还能时尚?一个拖把还能做品牌?一个拖把还能像“苹果”一样疯狂?带着这些疑问,让我们解开“拖把大王” A mop can be stylish? A mop can do the brand? A mop can