Power Splitting Based SWIPT in Network-Coded Two-Way Networks with Data Rate Fairness:An Information

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlg1991
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This paper investigates the simultaneous wireless information and powertransfer(SWIPT) for network-coded two-way relay network from an information-theoretic perspective, where two sources exchange information via an SWIPT-aware energy harvesting(EH) relay. We present a power splitting(PS)-based two-way relaying(PS-TWR) protocol by employing the PS receiver architecture. To explore the system sum rate limit with data rate fairness, an optimization problem under total power constraint is formulated. Then, some explicit solutions are derived for the problem. Numerical results show that due to the path loss effect on energy transfer, with the same total available power, PS-TWR losses some system performance compared with traditional non-EH two-way relaying, where at relatively low and relatively high signalto-noise ratio(SNR), the performance loss is relatively small. Another observation is that, in relatively high SNR regime, PS-TWR outperforms time switching-based two-way relaying(TS-TWR) while in relatively low SNR regime TS-TWR outperforms PS-TWR. It is also shown that with individual available power at the two sources, PS-TWR outperforms TS-TWR in both relatively low and high SNR regimes. This paper investigates the simultaneous wireless information and powertransfer (SWIPT) for network-coded two-way relay network from an information-theoretic perspective, where two sources exchange information via an SWIPT-aware energy harvesting (EH) relay. We present a power splitting (PS) -based two-way relaying (PS-TWR) protocol by employing the PS receiver architecture. To explore the system sum rate limit with data rate fairness, an optimization problem under total power constraint is formulated. Then, some explicit solutions are derived for the problem. Numerical results show that due to the path loss effect on energy transfer, with the same total available power, PS-TWR losses some system performance compared with traditional non-EH two-way relaying, where at relatively low and relatively Another observation is that, in a relatively high SNR regime, PS-TWR outperforms time switching-based two-way relaying (TS-TWR ) is in a low SNR regime TS-TWR outperforms PS-TWR. It is also shown in with individual available power at the two sources, PS-TWR outperforms TS-TWR in both relatively low and high SNR regimes.