
来源 :党风与廉政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnmeim
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“廉洁高效”四个字是衡量一个国家、一个地区政府机构设置、行政管理水平、人员素质、办事程序和工作绩效优劣的最终标尺。“反腐”不但要“倡廉”,还要“促效”———提高行政效能,防止行政“不作为”。尤其在当今社会发展日新月异,国际经贸往来日趋频繁,知识信息交往迅猛增加,生活工作节奏愈来愈快的大背景下,作为充当社会管理者角色的政府更应“提速”,而行政“不作为”则是影响政府提速的“限速器”。时下,行政“不作为”呈蔓延之势,不少公民在办证、审验、打官司、申请执照等方面与行政机关打交道时,常常遭受到“脸难看、话难说、事难办”和推诿、拖延、扯皮等行政“不作为”的困扰,百姓对此深恶痛绝。有人甚至认为,从某种意义上说,政府部门行政“不作为”是一种比贪污受贿更可怕的腐败。吴官正同志在中纪委二次全会的报告中指出:2003年要以发生在老百姓身边的、严重损害群众切身利益的问题为重点,“着力解决人民群众反映的突出问题”。基于此,在本期“热门话题”中,我们选取行政“不作为”这一影响面广、为害甚烈的“顽疾”,把脉会诊,共同开出根治的药方。 The term “honest and efficient” is the ultimate measure of the merits of government agencies in a country and a region, the level of administrative management, the quality of personnel, work procedures and work performance. “Anti-corruption” not only “advocates honesty and integrity” but also “promotes efficiency” --- improving administrative efficiency and preventing administrative “omissions.” Especially in the rapid development of today’s society, the frequent international economic and trade exchanges, the rapid increase of knowledge and information exchange, and the quickening pace of life and work, the government acting as the social manager should speed up. “It is the governor that affects the government’s speed.” Nowadays, when the administrative “omission” is spreading, many citizens often encounter “face ugly, hard to say, hard to handle” and “push hard” when dealing with the executive authorities in handling certificates, examining and prosecuting litigations and applying for licenses. Delays, wrangling and other administrative “not as” trouble, people hate this. Some people even think that, in a sense, the “omission” of government administration is a form of corruption that is even more horrible than corruption and bribery. Comrade Wu Guanzheng pointed out in the report of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission: In 2003, focusing on the issues that seriously affect the immediate interests of the masses that occur to the ordinary people, “efforts should be made to solve the prominent problems the masses of the people reflect.” Based on this, in this issue of “hot topics,” we select the “ill-treatment” of the administration as a “chronic illness” that has a huge impact and is extremely devastating. We conspired to consult with each other and jointly launch a radical prescription.
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