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人民英雄紀念碑奠基典禮委員會,受大會委托經(二十八)、(三十)兩次會議,詳加研討結果,有下列决議特提向大會報告: 一、紀念內容中國社會自一八四○年鴉片戰爭以后,即淪为半殖民地半封建社會。從此,中国人民反帝反封建鬥爭,即再接再厲,前仆后继,始终不懈。流了無數人民血汗,犧牲无數先烈,直至今日,始將帝国主義、封建主义、及官僚資本主義的統治基本上打垮。故中国人民革命的勝利,愐怀先烈,應上溯百年,以鴉片戰爭為超始。其中尤以最近三十年來,由於中国共產党的產生及共英明的领导,中国人民革命運动,更為澎湃,犧牲更為慘烈,終於在毛主席和中国共产黨組導下,在各革命階层人士的堅苦卓絕不避艱險的伟大鬥爭中,取得了伟大的人民革命勝利。因此我們紀念先烈,一方面不应割裂历史,百年來為中華民族爭生存而犧牲的烈士,均應紀念,一方面亦應認清各個历史段落,最近三十年的革命史實,是中国革命步入勝利的重要階段,尤以 The Memorial Ceremony Committee of the Monument to the People’s Heroes was commissioned by the General Assembly for two sessions (28) and (30). After more detailed discussions on the results, the following resolutions were specially submitted to the General Assembly: I. Commemorative Content Since 1984, ○ years after the Opium War, that is reduced to semi-colonial semi-feudal society. Since then, the Chinese people’s anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggles have made unremitting efforts to make persistent efforts. The blood and sweat of countless people, sacrificed countless martyrs, until today, began to basically defeat the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism. Therefore, the victory of the Chinese people’s revolution, including Huai Mah-jong, should be traced back to a hundred years and started with the Opium War. Especially since the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party and its wise and wise leadership in recent 30 years, the Chinese people’s revolutionary movement has been more surging and more sacrificed. At last, with the leadership of Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, The hard struggle of the people has won the great victory of the people’s revolution in the great struggle that was not difficult and dangerous. Therefore, in commemoration of the martyrs, we should not only separate the history from history, but also sacrifice martyrs who sacrificed for the survival of the Chinese nation over the past century. We should also remember all historical passages and the historical facts of the past 30 years, In the important stage of victory, especially
日期:三月十日地點:省府會議室主席:周保中出席人员:在昆委員實到二十六人,委員請假者三人,省府各部門負責同志十人,共計到會者三十六人。一、報告事項 (一)交通廳馬逸飛副
比利时的安特卫普港Noord Natie港区已经完成了糖专业码头的扩建工程.新建了六处接卸散装糖专用汽车站,该码头接卸散装糖的能力每小时可达450t.为适应增加的接卸能力,同时建