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品牌,是一种商品区别于另一种商品的标志,是商品独特个性的代表。随着某种商品逐渐受消费者的喜爱,其品牌也越来越受人们的欢迎。品牌己不仅仅是代表一个产品的符号,而是体现了产品的内在价值。良好的品牌声誉是企业最重要的无形资产。随着社会的进步和经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,消费结构发生了很大变化。当衣食住行等维持生理需求的物质消费已得到基本满足以后,人们在精神方面的消费需求就表现得越来越突出。消费者在选购商品时,比以往更加注重心理上的、情感上的满足,在这些方面,品牌的作用越来越重要。具体而言,品牌的功能可总结为:一是识别。品牌自身含义清楚、目标明确,专指性强。只要一提起某品牌,在消费者心目中就能唤起记忆和联想,以及感觉、情绪,同时意识到指的是什么。二是信息浓缩。品牌的名称、标识物、标识语含义丰富、深刻、幽默、具体要求,以消费者所掌握的关于品牌的整体信息的形式出现。三是安全性。一个熟悉的品牌,特别是著名品牌,是在长期市场竞争中,享有崇高声誉,给消费者带来了信心和保证,能满足消费者所期待获得的物质、功能和心理利益的满足。四是附加价值。附加价值是指被消费者欣赏产品的基本功能之外的东两。总之,品牌的功能就是给消费者提供除商品本身以外的各种各样的超值享受。 Brand, a product is different from another commodity logo, is the unique personality of the commodity. With the gradual acceptance of a product by consumers, its brand is becoming more and more popular. The brand has more than just represented the symbol of a product, but reflects the intrinsic value of the product. Good brand reputation is the most important intangible assets of the enterprise. With the progress of society and economic development, people’s living standards continue to rise, and the consumption structure has undergone great changes. When the consumption of materials, such as food, clothing and shelter, which sustain physiological needs, has been basically fulfilled, people’s mental needs for consumption have become more and more prominent. Consumers are more psychologically and emotionally satisfied than ever before in the selection of their products, and the role of the brand is increasingly important in these areas. Specifically, the brand’s function can be summarized as follows: First, identify. The brand itself has a clear meaning, a clear goal, and a high degree of specificity. As long as a brand is mentioned, memories and associations, as well as feelings and emotions, can be evokeable in the minds of consumers and at the same time be aware of what it means. Second, information is concentrated. Brand name, logo, logo meaning rich, profound, humorous, specific requirements, to consumers in the form of overall information on the brand appear. Third, safety. A familiar brand, especially a famous brand, enjoys a high reputation in the long-term market competition, giving consumers confidence and assurance and meeting the material, functional and psychological interests that consumers expect. Fourth, added value. Value-added refers to the consumer who enjoy the basic functions of the product outside the East two. In short, the brand’s function is to provide consumers with a variety of value addition to the product itself.
目的通过血栓弹力图(TEG)检测慢加急性肝衰竭(ACLF)患者的凝血功能,全面动态地评估患者的出、凝血状态。方法收集ACLF患者资料,用TEG检测ACLF患者全血凝血动力学,同时检测常规生物化学指标,并评估并发症情况。计量资料用t检验,分类变量采用χ2检验,相关性分析采用Pearson相关系数分析,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果共纳入60例患者资料,纳入患者平均(47.20±16.20)