Experimental study on the depth of electric field punching through into the absorption layer of APD

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Dark-current-voltage curves and photon-current-voltage curves were measured by a passive quenched circuit so that the voltage applied to the avalanche photodiode can be much higher than breakdown voltage in study on the depth of punch through. The photo-current-voltage curve indicated clearly the punch-through voltage while the dark current-voltage curve is insensitive to the punch through. Furthermore, the avalanches initiated by the photo-generated carrier at a voltage lower than that from the thermo-generated carriers and explained based on the different distribution of the carriers.
在对乙醇、甲醇等醇类溶液荧光光谱特性进行研究的基础上, 应用美国Roper-Scientific公司SP-2558多功能光谱测量系统, 对50多种品牌白酒及其年份酒在紫外光激励下的荧光光谱进行了检测。结果表明, 白酒在紫外光激励下能产生较强的荧光, 各品牌白酒及其年份酒的荧光光谱各有明确的特征。实验测得其三维荧光光谱, 由此构建了白酒荧光光谱指纹图库。分析各荧光光谱的特征, 以谱峰个数、峰值波长、最佳激励波长等特征值创建了各品牌年份白酒荧光光谱特征数据库。利用SQL 数据库软件和VB语言研制成一个能对白酒
In this Letter, a single-frequency fiber laser using a molybdenum disulfide (MoS
Autofluorescence (AF) spectra of colonic normal and adenocarcinoma tissues are measured under excitation of 337 nm and analyzed by multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) method using non-negativity constraint. Collagen, nicotina
Jiuzhang 2.0 represents significant improvements, beyond the last year’s landmark.
变焦光学系统在连续变焦过程中, 由于变焦曲线的计算和加工精度, 导致实际像面离焦, 成像质量下降。变焦系统的特点是长焦距对应窄视场, 短焦距对应宽视场。将波前编码技术应用于变焦系统, 在系统的光瞳面设置相位掩模,则扩展了原系统的焦深和景深, 使调制传递函数对离焦不敏感, 同时提高短焦距宽视场的边缘成像质量。文章对原系统和应用波前编码技术的新系统的成像特性进行了分析和对比,随后讨论了掩模板的相位因子对系统的景深、焦深延拓以及对像质的稳定作用。仿真显示: 变焦波前编码光学系统对离焦不敏感, 可以很好地扩大系统
We have developed a two-photon fluorescence microscope capable of imaging up to 4mm in turbid media with micron resolution. The key feature of this instrument is the innovative detector, capable of collecting emission photons from a wider surface area of
报道了基于空芯光纤中气体受激拉曼散射效应的1.5 μm波段光纤激光实验。利用高峰值功率、窄线宽、亚纳秒量级的1064 nm微芯激光抽运一段充高压乙烷气体的空芯光纤。通过乙烷气体分子的受激拉曼散射,获得了1553 nm的激光输出,峰值功率达到16.6 kW,线宽小于0.2 nm,脉宽约为435 ps。该功率水平是目前在掺铒光纤中获得的最高峰值功率的4倍以上。该研究为同时实现高峰值功率和窄线宽的1.5 μm波段光纤激光提供了一条新的技术途径。