规范会计行为 提高会计信息质量——谈新《会计法》的学习贯彻

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新修订的《会计法》已于去年由全国人大常委会通过,并将于今年7月1日在全国施行。新修订的《会计法》,是我国经济领域中的一部重要法律。在新《会计法》即将实施、中国即将加入WTO,我们国有企业面临许多挑战和机遇的时刻,认真贯彻执行新《会计法》,有效地发挥会计在经济建设中的作用,具有非常深远的意义。 随着新《会计法》的贯彻实施,会计地位将进一步提高,会计的执法环境将进一步得到改善, The newly revised Accounting Law was approved by the NPC Standing Committee last year and will be implemented throughout the country on July 1 this year. The newly revised Accounting Law is an important law in the economic field of our country. With the coming implementation of the new Accounting Law and China’s imminent accession to the WTO, it is of far-reaching significance for us to implement many new challenges and opportunities for the state-owned enterprises and earnestly implement the new Accounting Law so as to bring into full play the role of accounting in economic development . With the implementation of the new Accounting Law, the accounting position will be further enhanced, and the law enforcement environment for accounting will be further improved.
美国奥斯丁德克萨斯大学的研究人员。开发出GaAs基底的1.3μmInAs量子点激光器。由于它具有高特征温度和低阈值电流密度,终有一天它将在光纤通信应用中取代InP Researcher
利用高温超导Josephson结已经实现了毫米波、亚毫米波波段的谐波混频 .我们通过对高温超导颗粒晶界结、双晶结、内禀结的制备和混频实验对比研究 ,分析比较了其I V曲线特性及
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苏叔阳先生的《梦里青春》(作家出版社1998年4月版)204页有这样的话:“就说当初老聃同志说的 Mr. Su Shuyang’s “Youth in Dreams” (Writer Press, April 1998 edition)