
来源 :上海教育科研 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangruidao11
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在一个缺乏法治传统的国度选择依法治教,必然会带来理想与现实的冲突,当前影响和制约中国教育法制建设最突出的问题是“有法可依”与“有法不依,有法难依”之间的矛盾,其主要症结在于人们过于偏重教育法律规范自身,而很少关注制定出的教育法在现实社会生活中的运作。作者指出,一国教育法制建设,是教育立法、教育执法、教育守法、教育法律监督的诸体统一,是静态教育法制与动态教育法制的和谐,其中,教育法律关系主体的行为,是联系的纽带和中介。作者提出,教育法从制定、实施到实现,是一个“教育价值法律化”到“教育法律价值化”的转化过程,是一个“文本中的教育法”到“行动中的教育法”的变革过程。作者强调,实现中国教育法制现代化,首先要实现人的教育法制观念的现代化。 In a country lacking the tradition of the rule of law, choosing to administer education according to law will inevitably bring about the conflict between ideal and reality. The most prominent problems currently affecting and restricting the construction of China’s education legal system are “having law according to law” and “ According to ”the contradiction between the main crux of the problem is that people are too much emphasis on the legal norms of education itself, but seldom concerned about the development of the law of education in the real social life of the operation. The author points out that the construction of a legal education system in a country is the unity of education legislation, law enforcement of education, law-abiding education and legal supervision of education. It is the harmony between the legal education system of static education and the legal education system of dynamic education. The main body of educational law relationship is linked Tie and intermediary. The author proposes that the educational law should be a process of transformation from “legalization of educational value” to “legalization of educational law” from the formulation and implementation to the realization and a change from “education law in text” to “education law in action” process. The author emphasizes that to realize the modernization of the legal system of education in China, we must first modernize the concept of legal education in human beings.
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