
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panyufei1989
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Sucralose is the active compound of the most commonly sold sweetener in the United States. Different than aspartame, sucralose is not considered to be a migraine trigger. Herein we report a patient with attacks of migraine consistently triggered by sucralose. She also suffers from menstrually related migraine that had been well- controlled for several months since she switched her contraceptive from fixed estrogen to triphasic contraceptive pills. Some attacks triggered by sucralose were preceded by aura, and she had never experienced migraine with aura before. Withdrawal of the compound was associated with complete resolution of the attacks. Single- blind exposure (vs. sugar) triggered the attacks, after an attack- free period. Sucralose is the active compound of the most sold sold sweetener in the United States. Different from aspartame, sucralose is not considered to be migraine trigger. Herein we report a patient with attacks of migraine resting triggered by sucralose. She also suffers from menstrually related migraine that had been well-controlled for several months since she switched her contraceptive from fixed estrogen to triphasic contraceptive pills. Some attacks triggered by sucralose were preceded by aura, and she had never experienced migraine with aura before. Withdrawal of the compound was associated with complete resolution of the attacks. Single-blind exposure (vs. sugar) triggered the attacks, after an attack- free period.
<正> 本文讨论灌溉技术问题。对于这种灌溉技术,我们可以将其视为一种社会结构,一种起源干社会关系的生产力。许多项目评估已经表明,灌溉技术促使社会关系发生变化,反之,社会关系也影响灌溉技术的利用。然而,到目前为止,由于缺乏适合于项目评估的理论框架,对灌溉技术与社会关系两者关系的分析常常与项目评估风马牛不相及。因此,我们的目的是在农业灌溉及农业发展的领域内推出并阐明某种理论框架,将其同对灌溉技术的分析以及对社会的分析联系起来。由于我们是从科技角度,而不是从社会经济的角度来进行分析,因此,我们仅将