The orbital characters of low-energy electronic structure in iron-chalcogenide superconductor K_xFe_

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfjixie2010
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The newly discovered iron-chalcogenide superconductorKxFe2ySe2exhibits a distinct electronic structure from other iron-based superconductors.Exploiting polarization-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,we have determined the orbital characters of band structure in aKxFe2ySe2superconductor.To a large extent,we find thatKxFe2ySe2superconductor shares similar orbital characters with other iron-based superconductors,but with its own characteristics.For example,we have resolved two highly degenerate electron cylinders around the zone corner in the s and p geometries,respectively,indicating negligible interactions between them.Moreover,in contrast to the band calculation results,the small electron pocket around Z is found to be mainly consisted of the d z 2 orbital.The determined orbital characters would help to construct a realistic model forKxFe2ySe2. The newly discovered iron-chalcogenide superconductor KxFe2ySe2exhibits a distinct electronic structure from other iron-based superconductors. Exploiting polarization-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we have determined the orbital characters of band structure in aKxFe2ySe2superconductor.To a large extent, we find thatKxFe2ySe2superconductor similar Orbital characters with other iron-based superconductors, but with its own characteristics. For example, we have resolved two highly degenerate electron cylinders around the zone corner in the s and p geometries, respectively, indicating negligible interactions between them. More over, in contrast to the band calculation results, the small electron pocket around Z is found to be mainly consisted of the dz 2 orbital. The determined orbital characters would help to construct a realistic model for KxFe2ySe2.
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