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1.易拉罐花卉 将传统的泥土代之以经过特殊配方的无菌培养介质及花卉生长所需的缓释性肥料,并将其按比例装入易拉罐,植入花种后进行真空密封。目前已在北京上市,十分畅销。罐上印着可爱的花形图案,并标明各种花卉的象征意义和浪漫的赠言。买回家后,拉开上面的盖子和底部的排水孔,加水后7天左右就可发芽,只要经常浇水即可。 1. Cans of flowers Traditional soil will be replaced by a specially formulated sterile culture medium and the required slow-growing fertilizer for the growth of flowers, and its proportion into the cans, planting flowers after vacuum sealing. Currently listed in Beijing, very popular. Printed on the pot with a cute flower-shaped pattern, and indicate the symbolic meaning of various flowers and romantic gifts. After buying home, opened the lid and the bottom of the drain hole above, add water after about 7 days to germinate, as long as the water can often.
白茎千筋京水菜简称京水菜,为十字花科芸薹属1~2年生作物,外观介于不结球白菜与花叶芥菜之间,风味似不结球白菜。 Baijiangyingjin watermelon referred to as Beijing wate