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敦煌莫高窟,中国的一颗明珠,东方艺术宝库,世界文化遗产,人类共同继承的财富,国家一级保护文物。它的产生和发展,是历史的机遇。它在塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘,不被千年风沙所湮没,是大自然的眷顾。它有过10个世纪的辉煌,也遭受700年的冷落,沧桑巨变,罄竹难书。我初到敦煌,是40年代抗日战争的艰苦岁月。那时我还年轻,弃艺从军,在中原战场经受了严酷的炮火考验,劫后余生,难舍艺术,流转 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, a pearl of China, the treasure house of oriental art, the world cultural heritage, the common heritage of mankind, and the protection of cultural relics at the national level. Its emergence and development are historical opportunities. It is the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, not annihilated by the Millennium Aeolian Sands, is the blessing of nature. It has over 10 centuries of glory, also suffered 700 years of neglect, the vicissitudes of life, exhausted bamboo book. When I first arrived in Dunhuang, I was a hard time in the anti-Japanese war of the 1940s. At that time, I was still young, abandoning the artillery army, and surviving the harsh artillery test in the battlefield of Central China.
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