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本刊讯7月1日,国务院办公厅发布《国务院办公厅关于进一步做好民间投资有关工作的通知》,(简称《通知》),对进一步做好民间投资有关工作进行部署。《通知》要求,各省(区、市)人民政府、各有关部门要切实履行主体责任,把调动民间投资积极性、促进民间投资健康发展摆上重要议事日程,主要负责同志要负总责、亲自协调,分管负责同志要具体抓督促落实,有效解决民营企业反映的突出问题。要针对政府违约和政策不落实等问题,建立 On July 1, the General Office of the State Council promulgated the “Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Further Doing Some Work Related to Private Investment,” (the “Circular”), laying a solid foundation for further work on private investment. The Circular requires that the people’s governments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and all relevant departments should earnestly fulfill their principal responsibilities and put the enthusiasm for mobilizing private investment and the healthy development of private investment on the important agenda. The main responsible comrades should take overall responsibility and personally coordinate , Responsible comrades in charge of specific supervision and implementation, effectively solve the outstanding problems reflected by private-owned enterprises. To address the government default and policy issues such as the establishment of non-implementation
提到雅安,“生态”二字便是大家绕不开的话题。当全国不少城市深陷“霾伏”之时,雅安的绿水青山、明媚春光独树一帜,令人羡慕。  作为长江上游生态屏障的重要组成部分和水源涵养地,雅安是退耕还林工程、天然林资源保护工程的实施地,森林覆盖率达62.86%,素有“天府之肺”美誉,成为国家在成渝经济区规划的唯一生态旅游城市。  当下,供给侧结构性改革的春风正吹遍全国,如何加快把生态资源优势转化为高质量的有效供给
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The single crystal superalloys were joined by transient liquid phase(TLP) bonding. The precipitating behavior in the diffusion affected zone(DAZ) was studied an