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二战期间,英美在欧洲推行不同的战略路线,有其现实的政治经济背五,也有各自的历史传统。笔者曾就此作过探讨.今天,拙文则拟站在两国共同的利益目标──即打败轴心国这个共同敌人的立场上,对两国的战略路线从军事的角度作一番审视和考察。比较起来;在战后英美两家的长期 During World War II, Britain and the United States promoted different strategic routes in Europe, with their actual political and economic backs five and their own historical traditions. I have been discussed in this regard. Today, Zhuo Wen is planning to examine and examine the strategic lines of the two countries from a military point of view on the common interest goal of both countries, namely defeating the common enemy of the Axis Powers. In comparison, after the war the Anglo-American two long-term
目前高校教师队伍建设面临十分紧迫的任务,着重必须分析现状,抓住机遇,迎难而上,努力建设一支面向 21世纪的教师队伍。