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即将过去的20世纪是科学技术迅猛发展的100年,在20世纪里人类创造文明的丰硕成果是此前任何一个世纪所望尘莫及的。在医学科学上,人类攻克了诸如肺结核之类的曾经被认为不可救药的“绝症”,成功地实现了器官移植,掌握了克隆技术,即将“破译”人类遗传基因的全部“密码”……可是至今尚不能研制出血液的替代品。所以当病人因种种原因失血过多危及生命时,输血成为了唯一的抢救手段,而血液的唯一来源是健康人的奉献。献血是人类救死扶伤的崇高行为,是对世界奉献自己真诚的爱心,它并不会影响献血者的健康。目前“无偿献血”已成为世界上70多个国家和地区人民的自觉行为,我国的港、澳、台地区均实行了 The coming 20th century is the 100 years of rapid development of science and technology. In the 20th century, the fruitful achievements of mankind’s creation of civilization were beyond what any other century had before. In the field of medical science, humans have overcome such “terminal illnesses” as tuberculosis that were once considered unstoppable, successfully achieved organ transplantation, mastered cloning techniques, and are about to “crack” all the “passwords” of human genetic genes... However, no substitute for blood has yet been developed. So when a patient is bleeding from too much blood for various reasons, transfusion becomes the only means of rescue, and the only source of blood is the dedication of healthy people. Blood donation is a lofty act of mankind to save lives and wounds. It is a sincere love for the world to dedicate and it will not affect the health of blood donors. At present, “gratuitous blood donation” has become the conscious behavior of people in more than 70 countries and regions around the world. It has been implemented in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
全国马列文论研究会第28届年会于2011年7月21日—22日在内蒙古锡林浩特市举行。本次会议以马克思主义与中国当代文化建设为议题,围绕马克思主义与民族文 The 28th Annual Me
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