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加入 WTO我国原棉消费前景看好 ,棉花生产规模将会扩大.分析指出 ,我国棉花资源总量的生产能力及其生产资源配置的优势明显 ,棉花生产成本也有一定的比较优势 ;但技术保障能力的劣势和棉花生产面临的市场风险和经济问题将会比较突出.纺织工业需求原棉主要应立足国内生产.关于对策建议 :一是优化资源配置 ,调整棉花品种、品质和生产布局结构 ,进一步提高棉花资源总量和质量的生产能力 ;二是增加投入 ,提高棉花技术创新能力 ,增强棉花生产技术进步的保障能力 ;三是加强宏观调控力度 ,成立棉花行业协会 ,为棉花生产提供信息化服务 ,力争实现以销定产 ,产销平衡 ;按市场需要组织品种生产 ,大力发展专用棉 ,适销对路“,”After being admitted as a member country of the WTO, there will be more opportunities in China for the consumption of raw cotton, and the scale of cotton production will be enlarged. An analysis shows that the production capability and the distribution of cotton resources in the total output of cotton resources in China is at a remarkable advantage, and the production cost also has a comparative advantage. But the capability for technical guarantee in cotton production is by far inferior, and the market risks and economical problems the cotton production faces will be prominent. The raw cotton required by textile industry should base itself on home production. In this respect, some countermeasures are recommended. 1. Optimize cotton resources distribution, adjust cotton variety, quality, production structure and configuration, and so heighten the production capability for further upgrading the total output and quality of cotton resources. 2. Increase input, heighten technical innovation capability in cotton production, and so enhance the technical guarantee capability in the cotton production technique progress. 3.Intensify the marco economical control by national government, establish national cotton association for scientific and technological industrialization, and supply information service for cotton production, so as to realize the object of production aiming at sales and the balancing of production and sales. The production of cotton special variety should be based on market requirement and should be greatly developed.
家喻户晓,高等教育是培养具有专门理论知识、具有实践操作能力、具备高素质的专门性人才的教学活动, 这就决定了高等教育的培养方向,导致高等院校的学生对文化基础课要求不严
在土耳其托普卡珀皇宫的图书馆中,人们发现了一张皮里雷斯地图,图中详细描绘了南北美洲大陆。但是,画这张地图时的1513年,仅为美洲大陆发现20年后,可当时并未进行像地图上如此详细的测绘……  土耳其的伊斯坦布尔位于欧洲与亚洲交汇处,堪称东西方贸易的一大中心地。过去,伊斯坦布尔也曾称为“君士坦丁堡”。由于这个城市的地理位置绝佳,历来被军事家视为战略要地。  1453年4月,奥斯曼土耳其第七代苏丹(特指
该文就我国秸秆资源情况、开发利用的几种途径等问题进行了论述,并进一步探讨了农作物秸秆在生态农业中的综合利用方式.“,”This paper discussed the amount of straw reso