Electro-optic polymer ring resonator modulators [Invited]

来源 :中国光学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyc726
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Electro-optic[EO]ring resonator modulators have a number of communications and scientific applications,including analog optical links,optical signal processing,and frequency comb generation.Among the EO materials used to fabricate ring modulators,the EO polymer has many promising characteristics,including a high EO coefficient of 100-200 pm/V[3-7 times larger than that of LiNbO3],an ultrafast EO response time[< 10 fs],a low dielectric constant[3 to 4]with very little dispersion up to at least 250 GHz,and a straightforward spin-coating fabrication process.These inherent characteristics will be able to combine excellent EO properties with simple processing in achieving exceptional performance in a variety of high-speed optical modulation and sensing devices.This review focuses on the research and recent development of ring resonator modulators based on EO polymers.The first part describes the operation principle of EO ring resonator mod-ulators,such as modulation mechanism,EO tunability,and 3 dB bandwidth.Subsequently,the emphasis is placed on the discussion of the ring modulators with EO polymers as the waveguide core and the improvement of EO modulation by using an EO polymer/titanium dioxide hybrid core.At the end,a series of EO polymers on silicon platforms including slot mod-ulators,etching-free modulators,and athermal modulators are reviewed.
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