Broadband near-infrared luminescence and energy transfer in Bi singly-doped and Bi/Yb co-doped titan

来源 :OptoelectronicsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Flying_wind
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Super-broadband near-infrared (NIR) emission from 1100 nm to 1600 nm is observed in Bi-doped titanate glasses at the excitation of 808 nm laser diode (LD). The effects of Bi content on the optical spectra are investigated. It is also found that the Bi-related emission intensity can be enhanced by Yb3 co-doping at the excitation of 980 nm LD. It should be ascribed to the energy transfer from Yb3 to active Bi ions. The energy transfer processes are studied based on the Inokuti-Hirayama (I-H) model, and the energy transfer of electric dipole-dipole interaction is confirmed to be dominant in Bi/Yb co-doped glasses.
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探讨了在一定条件下实现对传统光学零件,尤其是对几何尺寸较大的光学零件实现主动控制,从而达到改善零件面型,优化光学系统成像质量的目的。通过工程机理的分析,采用实例试验的方法,验证了用K9玻璃制造的640 mm口径的球面反射镜通过主动控制的方法可以实现面型优化,提高了光学系统的成像质量,并且在特定环境中具有一定的稳定性。结果表明,在一定的条件下,通过主动光学技术可以实现对传统大口径光学零件进行面型控制,具有工程应用价值。