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我省的统计基础管理年活动已开展三年,在这三年中,全省各州(地、市)统计局在地方政府的支持和省局的领导下,取得了明显的成效。今年,我们将乘党的十六大的东风,紧紧把握“解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进”这个精髓,认真实践“三个代表”的重要思想,把党的十六大提出的“发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,各项工作要有新举措。”的要求,贯彻到我们新一年的工作中去,巩固统计基础管理年活动的成果,认真落实朱容基和温家宝二位总理在国家统计局考察时和省委、省政府领导对统计部门提出的殷切期望与要求,再创新业绩,再做新贡献。 The basic management year of statistics in our province has been carried out for three years. During these three years, the statistical offices of all prefectures (prefectures and cities) across the province have achieved remarkable results with the support of local governments and the provincial government. This year, we will take the impetus of the 16th CPC National Congress and firmly grasp the essence of “emancipating our minds, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times”. We will earnestly practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents, The major proposals put forward by the CPC include: “There must be new ideas in the development of development, new breakthroughs should be made in the reform, a new situation should be opened to the outside world, and new measures should be taken in all fields.” It is necessary to carry out the tasks of our new year and consolidate the basis of statistics To manage the achievements of the annual activities and conscientiously implement the earnest expectations and demands made by the leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government when Zhu Rongji and Premier Wen Jiabao visited the National Bureau of Statistics and made new achievements and made new contributions.
A new thermokinetic reduced extent method for studying of the reversible competitive inhibition of single sub-strate enzyme-catalyzed reactions was proposed in
第一次见到奥利佛·罗斯柴尔德(Oliver Rothschild)是在柏年基金会与中国石油大学师生见面会的会场。合身的西装、淡紫色的领带、银灰色的宽边圆帽,举手投足、谈笑风生间透露着一股子绅士风度。坐在会场的最后一排,远远地望着他,我的脑子里却不期然地略过尼尔·佛格森《罗斯柴尔德家族》中的一句话:  “罗斯柴尔德家族第二代之后的成员,在西区剧院或在英国变得确实颇有绅士风度,但是‘账房’中,他们仍然
b-D-Glcp-(13)-[b-D-Glcp-(16)-]a-D-Manp-(13)-b-D-Glcp-(13)-[b-D-Glcp-(16)-]D-Glcp (18) and b-D-Glcp-(13)-[b-D-Glcp-(16)-]a-D-Manp-(13)-b-D-Glcp-(13)-[b-D-Glcp-(1
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在高中语文教学中,教师常常将教学聚焦在语文工具性与人文性的落实上,无论是单篇教学,还是散点教学,都精雕细琢,从教学总体而言,却收效甚微。笔者为突破教学瓶颈问题,潜心钻研教材,坚持探寻文本间的关联,以高中生知识和能力的融合共进为着眼点,尝试建构环环相扣的“课链”,让微系列走进高中生心中,以期提升语文课堂的综合性。  一、主题链,引导比较  主题乃文本之帅, 集中凝练的主题赋予不同的文本以鲜活的灵魂,