Miscibility, Thermal Stability, Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Blends Derived from Polysul

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lywy0201
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Poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) (PPESK) was melt blended with bisphenol-A polysulfone oligomer (O-PSF) to produce a thermoplastic polymer blends. The miscibility, thermal stability, rheological and mechanical properties of the blends were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and capillary rheometry. The blends showed single Tg over the composition range and possess homogeneous microstructure. The addition of O-PSF slightly affected the thermal properties of the blends. PSF oligomer, as a processing aid, could markedly improve the processability of the PPESK. In addition, the mechanical properties of the blends were increased, to some degree, by adding O-PSF. Poly (phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone) (PPESK) was melt blended with bisphenol-A polysulfone oligomer (O-PSF) to produce a thermoplastic polymer blends. The miscibility, thermal stability, rheological and mechanical properties of the blends were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and capillary rheometry. The blends showed single Tg over the composition range and homogeneous homogeneous structure. The addition of O-PSF slightly affected the thermal properties of the blends. PSF oligomer, as a processing aid, could markedly improve the processability of the PPESK. In addition, the mechanical properties of the blends were increased, to some degree, by adding O-PSF.
Three capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) methods of the frontal analysis (FA), vacancy peak (VP) and simplified Hummel-Dreyer (SHD) were applied to investigat
【摘要】高中生正处于审美能力培养的关键时期,在语文教学中,利用文字为学生构建自主欣赏氛围,让学生在文学中体会语言的魅力对于其审美水平的提高具有重要意义。欣赏教学法在课堂实践中的运用不仅体现了文学的多样性,也推动了高中阶段语文新课程改革目标的实现。本文从文学欣赏的角度出发,结合教学案例对高中语文教学实践进行简要分析,以期对教学改革发展有所助益。  【关键词】高中语文 欣赏教学 教学实践 审美素养  
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Based on experimental data of positron annihilation technology, electrolytic dissolution technique, electron back-scattered pattern, etc. and by analysis the s