India Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Joining RCEP

来源 :中国-东盟博览(政经版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueHeart1111
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  India opted out from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at the 3rd RCEP Summit held in Bangkok in November 2019, at least until some of its core concerns are addressed. The fear of an import surge into India — particularly from China — as a result of the trade agreement was a major concern. There was difficulty negotiating rules of origin and safeguard measures, as well as service sector market access commitments. Some in India held the view that the impact of the trade pact on farming communities and small-scale industries would be adverse.
  Indian political leaders were motivated to opt out of RCEP amid negative public sentiment in the slowing Indian economy. GDP growth was recorded at 5% during the April-June quarter of 2019 — the lowest rate of quarterly growth since the January-March quarter of 2013. India’s experience with most of its past free trade agreements, including those with ASEAN, Japan and South Korea, also hampered its negotiators.
  But is India throwing the baby out with the bathwater by opting out of RCEP?
  The fears of an import surge may be exaggerated. If India is inefficient in some sectors compared to other RCEP member countries, then the trade deficit might increase. But an increased trade deficit must be financed by larger investment flows.
  India already imports significant volumes of plantation products from RCEP member countries such as Vietnam (US$ 223 million over 2018-2019) and Indonesia (US$ 86 million over 2018-2019). Additional imports due to tariff reductions would be much lower than expected as long as Indian producers are stimulated to improve farm efficiency.
  India’s trade deficit with any individual country or bloc of countries should not be the only criteria for judging the success or failure of a free trade agreement.
  The concerns about an import surge adversely affecting India’s manufacturing sector may have some basis, but not given the arrangements RCEP has put in place to deal with them. Since the liberalisation of the Indian economy began in 1991, the competitiveness of Indian industries has improved significantly. India has developed value-adding capabilities in numerous industries, including electronics, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and some services. Indian industries need to accept RCEP as a challenge to improve efficiency and global competitiveness and mobilise the government into removing the impediments at home to doing that.
  Much more needs to be done to mitigate structural bottlenecks and improve international connectivity to lift competitiveness in the manufacturing sector. India lacks efficient international connectivity — particularly logistics and maritime connectivity. Efficient manufacturing requires the rapid movement of goods across borders throughout different stages of production. A look at the 2019 UNCTAD Liner Shipping Connectivity Index reveals that Indian ports have a long way to go when it comes to catching up with ports of other emerging countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia.   Successive Indian governments have taken up schemes in attempts to promote the country’s manufacturing and exports industries. Tariff reductions, foreign direct investment liberalisation, the “Make in India” policy and the WTO-compliant scheme for Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) are some steps in this direction. That India’s Ease of Doing Business ranking has improved to 63rd for 2019-2020 up from 77th for 2018-2019 is a testimony to this fact. Addressing structural bottlenecks at home and integration with regional trade blocks goes hand in hand with renewed pushes for multilateralism.
  The inadequate integration of Indian manufacturing with international production networks has been one of the major reasons for low manufacturing investment from global investors at a time when the US-China trade war is forcing global manufacturers to shift from China to Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Bangladesh and other emerging markets.
  Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Bangladesh in South Asia are already integrated with East Asian production networks, which enable these countries to benefit from production relocation due to the ongoing trade transformation in Asia. In contrast, India has very limited access to manufacturing production networks in East Asia, or its immediate South Asian neighbourhood via the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) which lacks sufficient depth. RCEP is fundamental to correcting India’s poor integration with East Asian production networks.
  RCEP provides opportunity for India to improve its international competitiveness and become a stronger regional and global manufacturing nation. The creation of this economic bloc would be a win-win deal that would spur the integration of India with these countries economically and beyond. India, and other member countries negotiating the deal, need to come to terms to make the comprehensive economic partnership a reality.
  · Source: East Asia Forum
东盟国家一直在努力推动区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP)的谈判,因为RCEP一旦建成,将会是世界上最大的自由贸易协定(FTA)。  2019年11月4日,在泰国曼谷召开的第三届RCEP峰会上展开了最新一轮谈判。会谈中,16个国家中有15个国家完成了基于文本的谈判,预计RCEP将在2020年完成正式签署。  为了应对中美贸易摩擦所带来的经济影响,东盟成员国达成贸易协议的动力更为迫切。RCEP反对保护主
4月15日,中国国家发展改革委印发《广西百色重点开发开放试验区建设实施方案》(以下简称《实施方案》),标志着广西百色重点开发开放试验区(以下简称百色试验区)建设即将迈开脚步。自百色试验区被批准设立,相信不少人都能联想到,加强面向东盟合作是这一试验区建设的大方向。如今,随着《实施方案》的出台,百色试验区建设如何打好“东盟”牌,做足“边”的文章,也逐渐有了比较清晰的架构和计划。  百色试验区的重要定位
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)若能迅速达成,对亚太地区下一阶段的转型和改革至关重要。RCEP是东盟国家与其他6个域外国家拟议的自由贸易协定,将有助于巩固亚洲在捍卫开放和包容的全球贸易体制方面的集体利益,具有全球性意义。  现在的经济形势与1945年十分相似。二战结束不久,经济大萧条的阴影又再次笼罩在世界之上,金融秩序混乱、国际贸易受限、大范围的失业接连发生。当时,许多人预计,20世纪30
如果全球经济是一场进行中的球赛,那么新冠肺炎疫情就像是突然冲进球场的恶犬,严重影响了“球赛”的正常进行。即便如此,“一带一路”建设作为过去几年影响最广泛的国际合作倡议,仍然在疫情的阻力中稳步推进、落实。  东盟10国是海上丝绸之路沿线的重要国家,“一带一路”倡议提出以来,他们是有力支持者和积极参与者。在疫情蔓延、全球保护主义抬头的背景下,中国与东盟依然在贸易往来、项目建设、抗击疫情等方面坚持合作,
中国西南边陲,一座名为“百色”的城市将乘着重点开发开放试验区(以下简称百色试验区)确立的东风前行。全力推进脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴和建设开放引领区将成为“试”的重点,做好“稳边安边兴边”建设,百色正在行动中。  打通经济发展之脉,脱贫路上,一人不落  2020年是中国全面建成小康社会的决胜之年,也是脱贫攻坚决战决胜之年。而百色市位于滇桂黔石漠化片区,是广西乃至全国脱贫攻坚的主战场。“过去‘两差’,条件差
2020年4月13日,泰国迎来泰历新年宋干节(泼水节)。不过,与往年不同的是,今年的宋干节由于受到新冠肺炎疫情的影响,泰国政府宣布取消假期及所有庆祝活动,泰国各地也没有了以往水花四溅、热闹非凡的景象。  毋庸置疑,新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延,对泰国政治、经济、社会以及百姓的健康和生活均造成了巨大的冲击。那么,面对来势汹汹的疫情,泰国采取了哪些战“疫”举措,效果如何?疫情期间,中泰两国又是如何鼎力支持彼此的
据东盟汽车联盟(ASEAN Automotive Federation)近日公布的数据显示,2019年,缅甸共销售新车21916辆,比2018年的17524辆增长超过25%,其新车销量增幅为东盟首位。  当全球汽车行业生产和销售增速有所放缓时,缅甸汽车市场所爆发出的行业活力,无疑使其有望成为汽车行业冉冉升起的一颗“新星”。而这方兴未艾的繁荣景象背后,既有赖于缅甸汽车新政策的推动,也得益于其经济释放
汽油价调降、审慎大米出口、下调银行贷款利率……近期,新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延,给越南的经济发展带来了较大压力。而越南作为中国在东盟的最大贸易伙伴,疫情冲击也给中越企业贸易往来造成了一定影响。此次疫情对越南经济冲击多大?越南政府采取了哪些应对措施?疫情下中资企业在越南投资发展面临的最大风险是什么?又该如何化解?  在以“疫情冲击下民营企业在东盟投资发展的挑战与应对”为主题的中国工商联第24期线上大讲堂
自新冠肺炎疫情开始以来,各国的新闻网站都充满了“坏消息”,旅游业的停摆、民航业的萧条、餐饮业的亏损、制造业的缺货、企业降薪或裁员等等,让人看到了在疫情的冲击下经济是如何频频受挫。尽管如此,仍有一些积极的因素强势突围,为疫情期间疲软的经济注入活力。  疫情期间,中国大多数人被迫“宅”在家里,网络购物、生鲜外卖、远程医疗、远程办公、线上观影等“宅经济”变得更加火爆。而在与中国相邻的东盟国家,同样的情况
“泰国4.0”是一项聚焦加速创新和数字化转型的国家战略,尽管政府对这一战略满怀雄心壮志,但实现起来仍面临困难。  根据世界经济论坛发布的《2019年全球竞争力》报告,泰国从第38位降至第40位。尤其在数字技能方面表现不佳,在140个国家中排名第73位。  为了提高竞争力,泰国要提高本国劳动力的技能基础,尤其是加强数字素养和批判性思维方面的技能。  “泰国4.0”对技术工人需求大  作为“泰国4.0