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从1949年10月1日起,周恩来担起了新中国政府总理的重任。他作为这个世界上人口最多的大国的总理,前后达26年,直到生命的最后一刻。作为新中国第一任总理,51岁的周恩来面对的任务真是千头万绪,百端待理:中央人民政府刚刚建立起来,各级政府机关还有待组成;中国人民解放军正以雷霆万钧之力继续向华南和西南进军;由于国民党的长期统治和连年的战争,广大新解放地区内经济凋敝,物价飞涨,灾情严重,大批人员失业,财政经济处在严重的混乱状态;在对外关系上,许多复杂棘手的问题也正待处理。事情应该从何着手?周恩来以惊人的精力和才智,井井有条地开始了他的工作。对头一年的工作,周恩来自己作过一个简短的概括:“自从进城后,就筹备政协,建立政权;紧跟着就是树立国际阵营;等到毛主席由苏联回国,当时物价波动,必须用全力来统一财政,稳定物价。不这样, From October 1, 1949 onwards, Zhou Enlai took on the important task of the new Chinese government premier. As the prime minister of the world’s most populous power country, he has lasted for 26 years until the last moment of his life. As the first premier of New China, Zhou Enlai, 51, has a multitude of tasks to be faced: the Central People’s Government has just set up and the government agencies at all levels have yet to be formed. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Continue to march southwards and southwest China. Due to the long-term rule of the Kuomintang and years of war, the economic liberation in the vast majority of the newly liberated areas is depopulated, the prices soar, the disaster is so serious, a large number of people are unemployed, and the financial and economic situation is in a serious chaos. In foreign relations, many Complex and difficult issues are awaiting further action. Where should things start? Zhou Enlai with amazing energy and intelligence, well-organized start of his work. For the first year of work, Zhou Enlai himself made a brief summary: ”Since entering the city, preparations for the Political Consultative Conference and the establishment of the political power have been followed; the establishment of an international camp has been followed; until the return of Chairman Mao to the Soviet Union, the price volatility must be used Try our best to unify finance and stabilize prices.Not,
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