Analysis and Improvement of Reflection-type Transverse Modulation Optical Voltage Sensors

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikox3
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Reflection type transverse modulation optical voltage sensors, which employ reflection retarders to replace quarter wave plates, are convenient for practical use. In previous literatures, the measured voltage was all applied to Bi 4Ge 3O 12 crystal along the (110) direction for transverse modulation optical voltage sensor, and crystals are used as sensing materials. In this paper, reflection type transverse modulation optical voltage sensor has been analyzed theoretically and a novel configuration in which the measured voltage is applied to a Bi 4Ge 3O 12 crystal along the (001) direction with light wave passing through the crystal in the (110) direction has been proposed. According to this theoretical analysis, a novel optical voltage sensor, which can be used in a 220 kV optical fiber voltage transformer, has been designed and assembled. Experimental results showed that the linearity and the stability of the sensor during 24 hours can reach 0.3%. Reflection type transverse modulation optical voltage sensors, which employ reflection retarders to replace quarter wave plates, are convenient for practical use. In previous literatures, the measured voltage was all applied to Bi 4Ge 3O 12 crystal along the (110) direction for transverse modulation optical voltage sensor, and crystals are used as sensing materials. In this paper, reflection type transverse modulation optical voltage sensor has been analyzed theoretically and a novel configuration in which the measuring voltage is applied to a 4Ge 3O 12 crystal along the (001) direction with light wave passing through the crystal in the (110) direction has been proposed. According to this theoretical analysis, a novel optical voltage sensor, which can be used in 220 kV optical fiber voltage transformer, has been designed and assembled. showed that the linearity and the stability of the sensor during 24 hours can reach 0.3%.
一把捋和留顶养标采是一种旧的采摘法。一把捋,不分叶片老嫩通通捋下,从而损伤腋芽,影响下一轮茶芽的萌发。一把采往往不留叶,由于缺少制造营养物质 A 捋 and stay top Yan
目的:   要求培养滑膜原代细胞,制备良好的转染剂,然后将转染液导入滑膜细胞内,抑制人类风湿性关节炎滑膜细胞TAK1基因,给予体外刺激因素干预,检测ATF2表达量,为人类风湿性
前言:   踝关节损伤是运动过程中最为常见的损伤之一,运动过程中踝关节损伤的发生率仍较高。尤其在空降兵这一特殊群体中,踝关节损伤更为常见,是我军非战斗减员的主要原因
依靠科技进步,提高企业安全生产水 平是当前水电厂发展的一条主要途径。本文介绍 了鲁布革电站计算机监控系统换型原因,新系统 的整体结构,硬件、软件的构成,扩展的系统功 能,通讯
在热 8 7Rb原子气体中 (≈ 360 K) ,Michael M.Kash,Marlan O.Scully等人观测到激光脉冲的群速度降至 90 m/ s以及时间延迟量超过 0 .2 6 ms。 In the hot 8 7Rb atomic gas