Identificatio of Quantitative Trait Loci for Fruit Weight, Soluble Solids Content, and Plant Morphol

来源 :Horticultural Plant Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqiuru1025
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Introgression lines are convenient populations for the identification fine-mapping and functional analysis of genes that are responsible for variations in traits, particularly quantitative trait genes. An introgression line population of Solanum pennellii LA0716 in a fresh market tomato inbred line 1052 was developed by our group. This population was composed of 214 lines. In the present study, fi e quantitative trait loci(QTLs)for fruit weight, two QTLs for soluble solids content(SSC), three QTLs for plant height, and one QTL for leaf size were identifie using this introgression line population. Among these, fw3 a and fw4 a for fruit weight, ssc7 a for SSC, h4t2 a, h4t3 a, and h4t7 a for plant height, and lz12 a for leaf size were determined to be novel loci. These results serve as a foundation for fine-mappin and functional analysis of genes underlying these QTLs. Introgression lines are convenient populations for the identification fine-mapping and functional analysis of genes that are responsible for variations in traits, particularly quantitative trait genes. An introgression line population of Solanum pennellii LA0716 in a fresh market tomato inbred line 1052 was developed by our group . This population was composed of 214 lines. In the present study, fi e quantitative trait loci (for QTLs) for fruit weight, two QTLs for soluble solids content (SSC), three QTLs for plant height, and one QTL for leaf size were identifie using these introgression line population. Among these, fw3 a and fw4 a for fruit weight, ssc7 a for SSC, h4t2 a, h4t3 a, and h4t7 a for plant height, and lz12 a for leaf size were determined to be novel loci. These results serve as a foundation for fine-mappin and functional analysis of genes underlying these QTLs.
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