A Data Treatment Method of Carbon Saturated Solubility in Fe-C-Cr Melt

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchaoyi222
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Based on the current situation of studying the thermodynamic property of Fe-C-Cr melt using the carbon saturated solubility, an experimental data treatment method of the carbon saturated solubility was put forward. With this method a linear relationship ex- pression of the carbon saturated solubility in Fe-C-Cr melt was obtained, which intercept is dependent on temperature and independent of third component [Cr], but which slope is dependent on third component [Cr] and independent of temperature. Through this expression activity interaction coefficients at different temperatures were calculated and the relationship between activity interaction coefficients and temperature is also obtained. Based on the current situation of studying the thermodynamic property of Fe-C-Cr melt using the carbon saturated solubility, an experimental data treatment method of the carbon saturated solubility was put forward. With this method a linear relationship ex- pression of the carbon saturated solubility in Fe-C-Cr melt was obtained, which intercept is dependent on temperature and independent of third component [Cr], but which slope is dependent on third component [Cr] and independent of temperature. temperatures were calculated and the relationship between activity interaction coefficients and temperature is also obtained.
滚子倒角尺寸计算一般采用数学计算或作放大图法 ,这些方法存在着计算繁琐、操作复杂、误差大、设计周期长等问题。应用计算机技术将该问题程序化 ,以上问题迎刃而解。附图 3
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