Stability and Lubrication Properties of Nano Oxides in Base Oil

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwang782
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The target products were prepared by homogeneous precipitation method using SDS and PEG 800, respectively, as surfactant at a reaction temperature of 95℃ for 3 h, followed by calcination at 400℃ for 3 h. The samples were characterized and analyzed by XRD, SEM, FTIR and zeta potential measurements. The products were modified with different surfactants to improve their dispersion stability, both the amount and the best zeta potential values of which were identified in this work. The surface-modified nano-particles were added at a mass fraction of 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0%, and 4.0%, respectively, into the base oil. It was showed that the additive in base oil has good oil solubility without detectable corrosion of copper stripe, and had excellent behavior in terms of anti-wear performance and lower friction coefficient. The target products were prepared by homogeneous precipitation method using SDS and PEG 800, respectively, as surfactant at a reaction temperature of 95 ° C for 3 h, followed by calcination at 400 ° C for 3 h. The samples were characterized and analyzed by XRD, SEM The products were modified with different surfactants to improve their dispersion stability, both the amount and the best zeta potential values ​​of which were identified in this work. The surface-modified nano-particles were added at a mass fraction It was showed that the additive in base oil has good oil solubility without detectable corrosion of copper stripe, and had excellent behavior in terms of anti- wear performance and lower friction coefficient.
Owing to the dramatic mobile IP growth,the emerging Intct of Things,and cloud-based applications,wireless networking is witnessing a paradigm shift.By fully exp
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一、秋季管理    1、稀植密疏。甜樱桃是喜光树种,为保证整个树体通风透光,对一些重叠主枝或离主干较近的把门枝要及早疏除,对主枝上不能占满空间的直立、侧生枝,适当短截,促发新枝,形成新的结果枝组。  2、拉枝摘心。8月中旬,对拿枝软化效果不好的粗壮枝条,进行秋拉枝,效果好于春、夏拉枝,能使所有芽发育均衡,背上直立枝减少。为保证枝条充实,在秋分前后摘心,有利于安全越冬。  3、除草灭荒。雨后喷克无踪
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一、波尔多浆保护剂    硫酸铜0.5千克、石灰1.5千克、水7.5千克、动物油0.2千克。先配成波尔多液,再加入动物油搅拌即可。    二、灰盐保护剂    石灰1千克、盐0.05千克、水1千克加少许鲜牛粪拌匀即可。    三、固体蜡    松香0.4千克、蜂蜡0.2千克、牛羊油0.1千克。先用文火把松香化开,再把蜂蜡、牛羊油加入,溶化后,倒入冷水盆内冷却,取出用手搓成团备用,用时加热化开。