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中国科学技术期刊编辑学会五届二次理事(扩大)会暨金牛奖、银牛奖、优秀论文奖颁奖大会及学术报告会,于2005年12月20~22日在北京举行,出席会议的理事和获奖代表近200人。21日上午9时举行开幕式。开幕式由姚希彤秘书长主持。丁乃刚理事长致开幕词。他首先感谢政府有关期刊管理部门负责同志莅临大会及多年来对我会工作的关心与支持,感谢各位代表拨冗出席大会。中宣部出版局期刊处张贤明处长,新闻出版总署报刊司余昌祥司长,科技部条件财务司综合处孙增奇处长,中国科协学会学术部杨文志副部长等领导出席开幕式并讲话。他们首先对大会表示祝贺,对中国科技期刊编辑学会近些年来取得的成绩做了充分肯定与好评,对长期以来为我国科技期刊事业作出贡献的广大编辑人员表示亲切的慰问并致以崇高的敬意。 China Science and Technology Journal editorial board five times the second director (expand) and the Jinniu Award, Silver Bull Award, Excellent Paper Award ceremony and academic report, in December 2005 December 20 to 22 held in Beijing, attended the meeting of directors And nearly 200 winners. The opening ceremony will be held at 9:00 on the 21st. The opening ceremony was presided over by Secretary-General Yao Xitong. Ding Naigang chairman opening speech. First of all, he thanked the government departments in charge of the periodicals concerned for their comrades in charge of the visit to the conference and their concern and support for the work we have done over the years. We also thanked all the delegates for their time to attend the conference. Zhang Xianming, Director of the Publications Department of the Central Propaganda Department, Director Yu Changxiang of the Press Division of the General Administration of Press and Publication, Sun Zengqi, Director General of the Conditions Finance Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Vice Minister Yang Wenzhi, Academician of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches . First of all, they congratulated the General Assembly, fully affirmed and praised the achievements made by the editors of Chinese Sci-tech Periodicals in recent years, expressed their cordial condolences and their high respect to the editors who have long contributed to the cause of sci-tech periodicals in our country .
淡水螺Neotricula aperta是湄公血吸虫的中间宿主,已通过形态学和解剖学研究进行分类。本文采用空气干燥法从螺的前列腺和性腺提取染色体,对N.aperta的3个亚种α,β,γ进行
171.Euphorbia drummondii Boiss.烧大戟,大戟科。全草:治疗发热、痢疾、慢性腹泻、风湿病、生殖器溃疡、皮肤溃疡、疣。[3]27、[4]152172.Euphorbia hirta L.飞扬草,大戟科
Objective To explore the hepatic pathology of a patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Methods Percutaneous liver biopsy was performed with a Chiba n
我县农村在群众性的消灭白蚁运动中,发现有黑翅土白蚁(Odontotermes formos-anus Shiraki)、黄翅大白蚁(Macrotermesbarneyi Light)和大歪嘴白蚁(Capritermesnitobei Shirak
我国1982年加入国际标准书号(ISBN)组织,1986年颁布国家标准 GB/T 5795—1986《中国标准书号》,采用国际标准书号加分类种次号作为中国标准书号,取代此前使用的统一书号。20
一、试验材料与方法: 1.合成桃小性信息素,成份为顺—7—二十烯—11酮占95%,与顺—7—十九烯—11酮占5%的混合物。橡胶诱芯载体,含量为500微克。 First, the test materials