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随着我省乡镇企业迅速发展,外来的“打工妹”人数激增,使接触生产性有害因素的女工越来越多。由于生理上的特点,打工妹们尤其应注意做好劳动保护工作。就业前应进行健康体检。目的是发现职业禁忌症,不让其参加该项工作。例如,有明显的肝、肾疾患者不宜接触汞;有血液夜、月经过多或功能性子宫出血者不能从事苯作业等等。就业后应进行定期健康体检。一般而言。妇女的造血系统和肝脏对生产性毒物较为敏感。同时,妇女皮肤较为柔嫩,易遭受刺激性和脂溶性化学物质的作用而造成危害。因此,定期进行健康体检,以便及时发现职业性疾患,及早治疗和处理。 With the rapid development of township and village enterprises in our province, the number of foreign “working girl” surges so that more and more women workers come into contact with the harmful factors of production. Due to their physiological characteristics, migrant workers should pay special attention to labor protection. Before going to work should be a healthy physical examination. The purpose is to discard occupational contraindications and prevent them from participating in the work. For example, there are obvious liver, kidney disease should not be exposed to mercury; have blood night, menorrhagia or dysfunctional uterine bleeding who can not engage in benzene and so on. After a regular medical examination should be carried out. In general. Women’s hematopoietic system and liver are more sensitive to producing poisons. At the same time, women’s skin is more delicate and vulnerable to the effects of irritating and fat-soluble chemicals. Therefore, regular physical examination, in order to timely detection of occupational disorders, early treatment and treatment.
一场超豪华阵容的欧洲绘画展,在去年底的收藏品市场上掀起一轮大波,而其拥有者——来自西班牙的胡安·安东尼奥·佩雷斯·西蒙的名字刹那间就被灌入诸多收藏者的耳鼓 An ult