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逄瑷嘉深受爷爷奶奶影响,自幼酷爱京剧。儿时爷爷奶奶总是对电视的戏曲频道情有独钟,逄瑷嘉也坐在边上耳濡目染,她觉得京剧的戏服缤纷艳丽、头饰光彩夺目十分好看,勤学好问的她,遇到看不懂的地方,便会问爷爷奶奶,这段说的是什么,剧中的人物是干什么的。逄瑷嘉十一岁时,对京剧越来越着迷。她主动向家里人提出要去学戏。家里人十分支持。于是,逄瑷嘉在老家哈尔滨报名参加了京剧班。对于京剧,逄瑷嘉就喜欢武旦那份须眉 逄 瑷 Jia deeply affected by grandparents, childhood love Beijing opera. Childhood grandparents always have a soft spot for the TV drama channel, 逄 瑷 Ka also sitting on the edge of the monasteries, she felt Peking Opera costume colorful, headdress dazzling, hard to ask her, do not understand Place, will ask grandparents, what is this paragraph, the characters in the play is doing. At the age of 11, 逄 瑷 嘉 became more and more fascinated with Beijing Opera. She suggested to the family to go to school. The family is very supportive. As a result, 逄 瑷 Ka sign up for the Peking opera class in her hometown of Harbin. For Beijing Opera, 逄 瑷 Ka like Wu Dan share of men
采用量子化学半经验方法RHF/AM1,对 3种含氮芳烃化合物电致发光材料 (EL)的性质进行了理论研究 .对 3种化合物优化后的构型作振动分析 ,均未出现虚频率 .在此基础上 ,采用RHF
WT5”HZ]Four new organosilane compounds containing cholesteryl group were synthesized by esterification of 3,3,5,5 tetramethyl 3,5 disila 4 oxa cyclohexan
证实活化煤和石油焦对水中氰化物的等温吸附规律符合Langmuir方程 .活化煤的饱和吸附量Γ∞ ≈ 547mg·g-1,吸附系数K≈ 1 0 4 7× 10 -3 dm-3·mg-1;石油焦 ,Γ∞ ≈ 561mg
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Two new sterol have been isolated from the South China Sea marine organism.Compound 1 was isolated from the sponge Polymastia sobustia and compound 2 was obtain
在张国立的影视作品谱系里,《赎罪门》是一个特别的存在,它的涉案元素,给张国立饰演马德庆形象带来了一些陌生感,毕竟观众已经适应了张国立的皇上或家庭妇男角色,出演一名经侦警察,张国立算是尝试挣脱既有形象的束缚。  在《赎罪门》里,马德庆更多时候也不是以权力人物出现的,当他便装的时候,仍然是一位个性温和、思维传统的大哥,穿上警服,也非六亲不认的那种,让马德庆承受职责与亲情发生冲突带来的撕裂感,当是电视剧
The critical micelle concentrations (CMC) and the micelle-forming enthalpies ((Hmic) of gemini surfactants were first measured by the precise titration microcal