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江泽民总书记5月31日在中央党校省部级干部进修班毕业典礼上的讲话,是继去年“七一”讲话之后,在党的十六大召开之前,在我国进入新世纪,全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的重要历史时刻发表的又一次重要讲话,非常及时,非常重要,意义重大,影响深远。讲话站在时代发展的前列,总揽国际风云,着眼国内实际,从实现党和国家在新世纪的奋斗目标和历史任务的战略高度,进一步深刻阐述了“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵,深刻阐明了新世纪 General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech on the graduation ceremony of the provincial party and government-level cadre training classes on May 31 of the Central Party School follows the one in the previous “National Congress of the Communist Party of China” after the “1 July” speech last year. Before the 16th CPC Congress, China entered a new century and built a well-to-do society Another important speech delivered at an important historic moment in society and accelerating the socialist modernization is very timely, very important, significant and far-reaching. Speaking at the forefront of the development of the times, with a view to the international situation and the reality in our country, we have further profoundly expounded the scientific connotation of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and profoundly guided the realization of the goals and historic tasks for the party and the country in the new century Clarified the new century
由于字体为书体所用,我们现在所言的“正书”应该是“正体书法”的意义, “行草书”应该是“草体书法”的意义。在字体演变阶段,字体的草率化是字体演变的动力;在今天的创作
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“2002·中国网络媒体论坛”于8月16-17日在苏州市会议中心举行。中国记协主席邵华泽、人民日报总编辑王晨、国务院新闻办公室副主任蔡名照等出席了开幕式并讲话。 “2002
Gastric cancer is one of the most common human malignancies, and its prevalence has been shown to be well-correlated with cancer-related deaths worldwide. Regre