新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)受苹小吉丁虫危害程度与树皮厚度、径阶的关系

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为了解新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)树皮厚度、径阶对苹小吉丁虫危害程度的影响,以具有不同抗苹小吉丁虫(Agrilus mali Matsumura)特性的新疆野苹果类型单株为试验材料,利用相关性回归法找出树皮厚度、径阶与总虫数之间的关系。结果表明:不同野苹果单株受苹小吉丁虫危害差异较大,其中XY-101单株羽化孔数最高11.2个,而XY-49单株最低为0个,总虫口平均数在0.3~11.2头之间,差异均极显著;径阶、树皮厚度分别与总虫数的回归方程为:Y=1.236+0.119Z和Y=1.049+2.071H,在P<0.05显著水平下两个方程均通过了t检验,其中变量Z的回归系数为0.119,即径阶每增加1 mm,总虫数就增加0.119个。变量H的回归系数为2.071,即树皮厚度每增大1 mm,总虫数就相对应增加2.071个。因此,新疆野苹果的径阶、树皮厚度与总虫数在一定范围内呈正相关线性关系,随着树皮厚度、径阶的增大,总虫数也明显增大。 In order to understand the effect of the bark thickness and diameter order of Malus sieversii on the damage degree of Agrimony jejuni, the species of Malus sieversii with different Agaricus mali Matsumura characteristics were used as experimental materials, Correlation regression method was used to find out the relationship between the thickness of bark and the diameter and the total number of insects. The results showed that there were significant differences among different wild apple plants, which were significantly affected by P. jirga. XY-101 had the highest numbers of emergence holes per plant, while XY-49 had the lowest number of 0 and the average total number of insects was 0.3-11.2 The regression equation between diameter and bark thickness and the total number of insects were Y = 1.236 + 0.119Z and Y = 1.049 + 2.071H, respectively, and both equations were significant at P <0.05 Passed the t-test, in which the regression coefficient of variable Z was 0.119, that is, the total number of worms increased by 0.119 for every 1 mm diameter increase. The regression coefficient of variable H was 2.071, that is, the total number of insects increased by 2.071 for every increase of bark thickness by 1 mm. Therefore, the diameter and bark thickness of Xinjiang wild apple showed a positive correlation with the total number of insects in a certain range. With the increase of bark thickness and diameter, the total number of insects also increased significantly.
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