贯彻四中全会精神 加强思想政治工作——在施工企业思想政治工作研讨会上的讲话

来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neneraini1314
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我代表建设部思想政治工作办公室、中国建设职工思想政治工作研究会,热烈祝贺施工企业思想政治工作研讨会的召开。在此,我谨向与会的各位经理、书记和代表,并通过你们向战斗在施工第一线的全体同志表示慰问和敬意。这次研讨会是在我们党领导全国人民平息北京反革命暴乱取得决定性胜利、全党全国人民正在认真学习、贯彻具有伟大历史意义的十三届四中全会精神的形势下召开的。这次会议必将对加强和改进施工企业思想政 On behalf of the Office of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Construction, on behalf of China, I hold a seminar on the ideological and political work of workers and workers and warmly congratulate the convening of a seminar on ideological and political work in construction enterprises. Here, I hereby extend my condolences and respect to the managers, secretaries and representatives present at the meeting and to all the comrades fighting at the front line of construction through you. This symposium was held under the situation that our party led the people across the country to calm down the decisive victory of Beijing’s counterrevolutionary riots and that the entire party and the people of the entire country were studying and implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee with great historic significance. This meeting is bound to strengthen and improve ideological and political construction enterprises
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(ObstructiveSleep Apnea Syndrome,OSAS)指睡眠时发生上呼吸道狭窄、阻塞而呼吸暂停,其后果是低血氧症和CO_2潴留,严重时可引起昏迷甚至窒息死亡
特发性间质性肺炎(IIP)的病原仍然不清楚,作者用统计学技术对30例根据症状和体征、胸片、生化免疫和呼吸功能检查将其分为3型; 1.急性典型型(8例),均有运动时呼吸困难和肺部
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以22例经组织学确诊的轻型卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎病例为观察对象,其中13例采用喷雾器,在30~60分钟内吸入戊双脒4mg/kg/d,9例于2小时内静脉注射3mg/kg/d。上 Twenty-two patients