The Single Training Sample Extraction of Visual Evoked Potentials Based on Wavelet Transform

来源 :中国生物医学工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Huigle
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Abstract.Based on the good localization characteristic of the wavelet transform both in time and frequency domain, a de-noising method based on wavelet transform is presented, which can make the extraction of visual evoked potentials in single training sample from the EEG background noise in favor of studying the changes between the single sample response happen. The information is probably related with the different function, appearance and pathologies of the brain. At the same time this method can also be used to remove those signal s artifacts that do not appear with EP within the same scope of time or frequency. The traditional Fourier filter can hardly attain the similar result. This method is different from other wavelet de-noising methods in which different criteria are employed in choosing wavelet coefficient. It has a biggest virtue of noting the differences among the single training sample and making use of the characteristics of high time frequency resolution to reduce the effect of interference factors to a maximum extent within the time scope that EP appear. The experiment result proves that this method is not restricted by the signal-tonoise ratio of evoked potential and electroencephalograph (EEG) and even can recognize instantaneous event under the condition of lower signal-to-noise ratio, as well as recognize the samples which evoked evident response more easily. Therefore, more evident average evoked response could be achieved by de-nosing the signals obtained through averaging out the samples that can evoke evident responses than de-nosing the average of original signals. In addition, averaging methodology can dramatically reduce the number of record samples needed, thus avoiding the effect of behavior change during the recording process.This methodology pays attention to the differences among single training sample and also accomplishes the extraction of visual evoked potentials from single trainings sample. As a result, system speed and accuracy could be improved to a great extent if this methodology is applied to brain-computer interface system based on evoked responses.
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