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随着我国体育产业的发展,体育纠纷事件日益增多,通过体育仲裁来解决体育纠纷的方式也就越发重要。由于我国体育纠纷的形式各样,解决方式也不健全,体育纠纷能否提起体育仲裁要看该纠纷是否符合体育仲裁的受案范围。因此本文通过对体育仲裁的受案范围的研究,以完善我国的解纷机制,服务于我国体育事业。 With the development of sports industry in our country, there are more and more sports disputes. Therefore, it is more and more important to solve sports disputes through sports arbitration. Because of the various forms of sports disputes in our country, the solutions are not perfect. Whether sports disputes can be filed depends on whether the disputes meet the scope of the sports arbitration. Therefore, through the study of the scope of the case of sports arbitration, this article will improve China’s dispute resolution mechanism and serve the cause of sports in our country.
梳理一下鬓角,戴上一顶花冠;试一试镶边的小帽,描一描弯弯的秀眉……对着镜子一照,别提有多美——咱都年轻了好几十岁! Check out the temples and put on a corolla; try a
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