来源 :中国地质学会志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangway77
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Soils of China are subdivided,on the basis of morphological andchemical characteristics,into various broad groups which are correlated withthe similar types in Europe,America and various tropical regions. Pedalfers include 1. Strongly podzolized soils 2. Ground water podzols 3. Brown forest(?) soils 4. Gray-brown forest soils 5. Gray-brown forest claypans 6. Gray-brown forest soils of Szechuan Basin 7. Podzolized red earths 8. Older red earths with lateritic parent materials 9. Non-calcareous (?)oils of alluvial and lacustrine origin 10. Rice paddy podzolized soils. Pedocals include 1. Chernozem,mature and immature 2. Degraded chernozem 3. Chestnut earths,—both mature and immature dark and light chestnut earths 4. Gray desert soils and sand dunes 5. Calcareous soils of recent alluvial origin. Alkali soils include: 1. Solonetz-solonchak Complex 2. Saline soils of alluvial origin. A map shows the approximate distribution of the important types. The readet is reminded that the map is of a tentative nature in that itdoes not represent a complete knowledge of the soil geography of China.Borndaries between the various soil groups are subiect to change as moreinformation is accumulated. Soils of China are subdivided, on the basis of morphological andchemical characteristics, into various broad groups which are correlated with these similar types in Europe, America and various tropical regions. Pedalfers include 1. Strongly podzolized soils 2. Ground water podzols 3. Brown forest ( ?) soils 4. Gray-brown forest soils 5. Gray-brown forest claypans 6. Gray-brown forest soils of Szechuan Basin 7. Podzolized red earths 8. Older red earths with lateritic parent materials 9. Non-calcareous (?) oils of alluvial and lacustrine origin 10. Rice paddy podzolized soils. Pedocals include 1. Chernozem, mature and immature 2. Degraded chernozem 3. Chestnut earths, -both mature and immature dark and light chestnut earths 4. Gray desert soils and sand dunes 5. Alkali soils include: 1. Solonetz-solonchak Complex 2. Saline soils of alluvial origin. A map shows the approximate distribution of the important types. The readet is reminded that the map is of a tentative nature in that itdoes not represent a complete knowledge of the soil geography of China. Borndaries between the various soil groups are subiect to change as more information is accumulated.
俄语里一些表示具体事物的名词,其语义有可能从“事物”意义转化为跟该事物相联系着的“行为”意义。请看下列的例子: ①Картошку носит не приход
一、绪 言 在报告开始以前,应该说明,报告中所涉及的一些问题,只跟单独由岩浆岩组成的岩区有关。 从岩石学发展史中大家很清楚地知道,关於岩区的概念的引用对於岩石科学的发
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伊涅斯塔,年方22,效力西甲豪门巴塞罗那队,凭借着在中场出色的组织和传球能力,早早赢得了中场“吸血鬼”的称号,中国球迷则喜欢叫他小白。 Iniesta, year side 22, the effe